- 2
- 2
Dragging including children
#147 opened by jasonvarga - 2
Prevent dropping at first root level item
#146 opened by jasonvarga - 3
How to check if the tree is ready
#145 opened by kueronya - 2
#144 opened by harveylee0307 - 5
Dont drag all the row but drag from a handler?
#143 opened by prpanto - 0
[Question] How to style the drop area?
#139 opened by prpanto - 1
Data inconsistency during node dragging
#142 opened by point5a - 1
[Question] How to update/edit node?
#141 opened by prpanto - 2
data/items of draggabletree is not reactive
#140 opened by prpanto - 1
Cannot use import statement outside a module
#138 opened by prpanto - 3
- 2
How to restrict nodes from being dragged to the root node? Currently, 'eachDroppable' cannot achieve this。
#137 opened by MoNaiZi - 2
It is recommended to expose the node right click event
#136 opened by a81n9 - 3
- 4
How to insert nested nodes?
#119 opened by kermitmei - 3
Get closest node in the same parent
#132 opened by LuisPassos - 1
Issue on openNodeAndParents function
#127 opened by MuthuSelviC - 5
Edit element
#130 opened by yoann54 - 2
"open:node" event not work for BaseTree
#118 opened by kermitmei - 2
Issue on fold and unfold, dropDisable options
#117 opened by MuthuSelviC - 3
Add Node VUE3 Bug
#111 opened by maicolbruski - 1
- 1
The whole tree can be dragged off the panel
#109 opened by vladguan - 5
Add class on current dragging item
#108 opened by maicolbruski - 1
- 1
How to delete tree node?
#106 opened by iamaks1993 - 2
`beforeDragOpen` never called
#131 opened by johannesss - 3
Update sort order of items after drop
#129 opened by johannesss - 4
TargetInfo is always undefined (eachDroppable)
#128 opened by LuisPassos - 2
bug in behavior of tree by 4-levels structure and more
#126 opened by keybr1 - 2
- 1
A question please
#124 opened by uchoamaster - 2
产物dist/v2中缺少! 从2.8.4开始
#123 opened by Yee1014 - 5
How type annotion for ref?
#122 opened by gsxhnd - 2
- 1
- 2
Get changes
#116 opened by jkammann1701 - 4
el.addEventListener is not a function
#115 opened by scratchuz4k - 1
怎么关闭节点?how to close node?
#114 opened by kongxiangrun - 2
- 2
- 1
Prevent node disappear after leave tree area
#105 opened by BossHogg97 - 3
- 1
How to undo a drag change?
#100 opened by rabbitfufu - 2
- 7
Change drag-drop UI and behavior
#99 opened by kcsujeet - 11
- 1
Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'has')
#103 opened by SPuV - 7
#98 opened by sushmarana1602