
libscarv: a (software) library of cryptographic reference implementations

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libscarv: A (software) library of cryptographic reference implementations

Getting Started Documentation

  • It isn't a library you'd expect (or want) in production code. In short, it's really only intended for internal use: it offers a) a guide for (e.g., ISA) design and implementation work, plus b) a means of benchmarking and evaluation.

  • The make-based build system is split into three parts:

    • configuration for the build is determined by Makefile.conf,
    • the build is launched via Makefile which provides architecture-agnostic variables and targets.
    • the build is supported by Makefile.arch-${ARCH} which provides architecture-specific variables and targets,

    So, for example, running:

    make ARCH=[generic, riscv, riscv-xcrypto]

    will build the library for the appropriate architecture.

  • Building for riscv-xcrypto requires a modified toolchain, which can be obtained from scarv/riscv-tools.

    The RISCV environment variable must point at the installation of this toolchain in order to compile the library and run tests on the Spike simulator.

Running Tests

  • Tests can be run for a given architecture by running the following:

    $> make ARCH=[generic,riscv,riscv-xcrypto] run-tests

    This will build and run all of the algorithm tests, placing their output in build/<ARCH>/work.

  • The output of each test is valid Python2 code. We use Python as a golden reference for some of the tests, and as a checker for all of the outputs.

    The output of each test is automatically run through Python. Any mismatches are identified and printed out.

  • To run tests for the riscv or riscv-xcrypto architecture, you will need to have an appropriate toolchain and version of spike installed.

Target architectures

There are three supported target architectures:

Architecture Description
generic Builds with whatever default GCC toolchain is setup.
riscv Targets the RISC-V rv32imac architecture.
riscv-xcrypto Targets the RISC-V rv32imaxc architecture. The x indicates support for the XCrypto ISE.

Configuration Options

  • The configuration options available in Makefile.conf can be summarised as follows

    Option Meaning
    CONF_AES_ENABLE_ENC Enable encryption, i.e., aes_enc
    CONF_AES_ENABLE_DEC Enable decryption, i.e., aes_dec
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_SBOX Pre-compute S-box
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_TBOX Pre-compute T-tables
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_MULX Pre-compute "multiply by x" (or xtime) finite field operation
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_DIVX Pre-compute "divide by x" finite field operation
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_RC Pre-compute round constants
    CONF_AES_PRECOMP_RK Pre-compute round keys
    CONF_AES_KEY_FWD For aes_dec, specify that cipher key is initial round key
    CONF_AES_KEY_REV For aes_dec, specify that cipher key is final round key
    CONF_AES_ROUND_SPLIT A given implementation splits each round function, vs. merges them into one round
    CONF_AES_ROUND_PACK Use a packed representation of the state and round key matrices
    CONF_AES_ROUND_UNROLL Use unrolled loops wherever possible
    CONF_AES_ENC_INIT_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_enc_init function
    CONF_AES_ENC_ITER_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_enc_iter function
    CONF_AES_ENC_FINI_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_enc_fini function
    CONF_AES_ENC_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of unsplitted aes_enc function
    CONF_AES_DEC_INIT_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_dec_init function
    CONF_AES_DEC_ITER_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_dec_iter function
    CONF_AES_DEC_FINI_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of aes_dec_fini function
    CONF_AES_DEC_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of unsplitted aes_dec function
    CONF_MP_MPZ_MAX_LIMBS Set maximum number of limbs in an instance of mpz_t
    CONF_MP_MRZ_MAX_LIMBS Set maximum number of limbs in an instance of mrz_t
    CONF_MP_MPN_CMP_EXTERN Use an external integer comparison implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_ADD_EXTERN Use an external integer addition implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_ADD_GUARD Use a guarded integer addition implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_ADD_UNROLL Use an unrolled integer addition implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SUB_EXTERN Use an external integer subtraction implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SUB_GUARD Use a guarded integer subtraction implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SUB_UNROLL Use an unrolled integer subtraction implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SQR_EXTERN Use an external integer squaring implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SQR_OPERAND_SCANNING Use an operand scanning integer squaring implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_SQR_PRODUCT_SCANNING Use a product scanning integer squaring implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_MUL_EXTERN Use an external integer multiplication implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_MUL_OPERAND_SCANNING Use an operand scanning integer multiplication implementation
    CONF_MP_MPN_MUL_PRODUCT_SCANNING Use a product scanning integer multiplication implementation
    CONF_MP_MRZ_RED_EXTERN Use an external Montgomery reduction implementation
    CONF_MP_MRZ_MUL_EXTERN Use an external Montgomery multiplication implementation
    CONF_MP_MRZ_MUL_REDC Use a Un-integrated (i.e.. separate multiplication then reduction) Montgomery multiplication implementation
    CONF_MP_MRZ_MUL_CIOS Use a Coarsely Integrated Operand Scanning (CIOS) Montgomery multiplication implementation
    CONF_KECCAKP400_ROUND_EXTERN Use an external KeccakP[400] implementation
    CONF_KECCAKP400_INDEX_FUNC=[1,0] Use an in memory LUT to compute indexes [1, faster, larger] or the remu instruction [0, slower, smaller]
    CONF_KECCAKP1600_ROUND_EXTERN Use an external KeccakP[1600] implementation
    CONF_KECCAKP1600_INDEX_FUNC=[1,0] Use an in memory LUT to compute indexes [1, faster, larger] or the remu instruction [0, slower, smaller]
    CONF_PRINCE_SBOX_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of the prince SBOX function
    CONF_PRINCE_ISBOX_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of the prince inverse SBOX function
    CONF_PRINCE_GF_MUL_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of the prince GF_MUL function
    CONF_CHACHA20_BLOCK_EXTERN Use an external (assembly) definition of the ChaCha20 block function

    noting that not all combinations are valid: "correct" configuration isn't fool proof!

  • For AES, the goal is to support a) AES-128 only, b) encryption and decryption functionality, and c) three high-level implementation strategies, namely

    1. a reference strategy (AES_TYPE=space, !CONF_AES_ROUND_PACK; see [Section 4.1, 1]),
    2. a T-tables strategy (AES_TYPE=speed; see [Section 4.2, 1]), and
    3. a packed strategy (AES_TYPE=space, CONF_AES_ROUND_PACK; see [2]).


  1. J. Daemen and V. Rijmen. The Design of Rijndael. Springer, 2002.
  2. G. Bertoni, L. Breveglieri, P. Fragneto, M. Macchetti, and S. Marchesin. Efficient Software Implementation of AES on 32-Bit Platforms. Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), Springer-Verlag LNCS 2523, 159--171, 2002.