
Land following with reinforcement learning in CoppeliaSim

Primary LanguagePython

This repository is my re-implementation some experiments of the Master's thesis Training Neural Networks for Event-Based End-to-End Robot Control

[19/10/2023] Training with Q-learning

  • Using CoppeliaSim(V-REP), ROS, Q-learning
  • Simple and friendly implementation with pytorch
  • Modify the ROS interface with new V-REP version
CoppeliaSim simulation

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Training result

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  • CoppeliaSim v4.5.1 linux
  • ROS Noetic, rospy
  • Pytorch


  • Launch roscore in one terminal before launch Coppeliasim in another terminal to make sure that CoppeliaSim can load ROS plugin properly
  • Open v_rep_scenario/scenario1.ttt in CoppeliaSim and modify child_script of Pioneer_p3dx by v_rep_scenario/rosInterfaceScript.lua
  • Start CoppeliaSim simulation, make sure topics is work as expect by rostopic list
  • Run python train_qnetwork.py
