
ERROR: ERROR model initialization |JC69| (LIBPLL-5001): DNA model not found: JC69

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I installed both rappas (v1.21) and raxml-ng (v. 1.0.2) using conda.
When I set the DNA model as JC69 and HKY 81, the program shows the following error message.

ERROR: ERROR model initialization |JC69| (LIBPLL-5001): DNA model not found: JC69

Ancestral reconstruction finished. Return to RAPPAS process.
!!! Raxml-ng outputs are missing, the process may have failed... !!!

Some clues may be found in the AR/AR_sdterr.txt  or AR/AR_sdtour.txt files.

But when I run with K80, K81 and GTR mode, all the programs run without any problem.
I think the problem might be one of the programs recognizes JC and HKY, but the other recognizes JC69 and HKY85.

Could you check this problem?