
Inquiry About Increasing Limits in "src/utilities.h" and Recompiling PhyML

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Dear PhyML Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I have been using RAPPAS for my research and have encountered a limitation in the default values of certain parameters in the "src/utilities.h" source file.

As per the documentation, I understand that I can increase the limits for the following parameters in "src/utilities.h":

#define T_MAX_FILE 2000
#define T_MAX_NAME 5000
#define N_MAX_OTU 262144

However, I am seeking some guidance on the next steps to proceed with this modification and successfully recompile PhyML. Changing these lines to new values is sufficient in most cases, but I want to ensure I do it correctly and avoid any potential issues.

Could you kindly provide me with the step-by-step instructions on how to make these changes in "src/utilities.h" and then recompile PhyML? Any additional considerations or recommendations during this process would also be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your guidance to overcome this limitation and continue using PhyML for my research.

Best regards,