Sunflower Full-System Hardware Emulator and Physical System Simulator for Sensor-Driven Systems. Built-in architecture modeling of Hitachi SH (j-core), RISC-V, and more.
- ajsalkeldUnited Kingdom
- Almo7aya@anghami
- bilgesubilgin
- byungwoo733Spread Wing Studio
- caphodelMalang, Indonesia
- comporUniversity of Edinburgh
- davidswarbrickCambridge, UK
- gapryMacau, Macao
- harrysarsonGarrison Technology
- hellgheast
- Ikra2
- keys-i
- konosubakonoakuaIMP ⚜ BOSCH ⚜ CAEP ⚜ UESTC
- LeonBrindleyUniversity of Cambridge
- louis8ok1
- mailtomaxxwell
- nozberkaryaindonesiadunno
- nscoolingFeabhas Limited
- shardros
- SuperfrenkSlovakia
- surajprakash267Loconav
- tcy21414
- teamplayer3Germany/Stuttgart