The R
package pCODE
offers more user-friendly functions for
estimating ODE models without specifying any derivatives. pCODE
includes a bootstrap variance estimator in addition to the estimator
obtained by Delta method. pCODE
uses k-fold cross-validation for
choosing an optimal penalty parameter. The estimation procedure follows
Ramsay et al. (2007) which presents a new approximation strategy in the
family of collocation methods. It combines data smoothing with
generalized profiling algorithm to estimate parameters of an ODE model
where the solutions are subsequently obtained upon the parameter
For now, the developing package can be installed GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
The package is being submitted to [CRAN], and later you can install the released version of PCODE from CRAN with:
A simple illustration uses an one-dimensional ODE model [
\dot{X} = \theta X (1-\frac{X}{10})
] The following code defines the forementioned model that will be
provided for pcode
for estimating parameters and ode
for obtaining
numeric solution:
#load dependencies
#set seed for reproducibility
ode.model <- function(t,state,parameters){
dX <- theta*X*(1-X/10)
Let (\theta = 0.1) and (X(0) = 0.1)
#define model parameters
model.par <- c(theta = c(0.1))
#define state initial value
state <- c(X = 0.1)
Given an observation period of ([0,100]), random noise errors are added to the ODE solution with a Normal distribution (\text{N}(0,0.5^{2})). Observations are generated as follows:
times <- seq(0,100,length.out=101)
mod <- ode(y=state,times=times,func=ode.model,parms = model.par)
nobs <- length(times)
scale <- 0.5
noise <- scale * rnorm(n = nobs, mean = 0 , sd = 1)
observ <- mod[,2] + noise
Subsequently, we can visualize the observations along the true solution of this simple ODE model as
#plot simulated data against generating model
plot(mod,ylab=names(state)) #curve
points(times, observ,pch='*',col='blue') #observation
#Generate basis object for interpolation and as argument of pcode
#21 konts equally spaced within [0,100]
knots <- seq(0,100,length.out=21)
#order of basis functions
norder <- 4
#number of basis funtions
nbasis <- length(knots) + norder - 2
#creating Bspline basis
basis <- create.bspline.basis(c(0,100),nbasis,norder,breaks = knots)
To perform parameter cascade method for estimating both structural and
nuisance parameters, one can use pcode
in the following way
#parameter estimation
pcode.result <- pcode(data = observ, time = times, ode.model = ode.model,
par.initial = 0.3, par.names = 'theta',state.names = 'X',
basis.list = basis, lambda = 1e2)
The structural parameter and nuisance parameter estiamtes can be called by
#> theta
#> 0.09995229
#> [1] 0.1232160 0.1550332 0.1903906 0.2729993 0.4284428 0.6134020
#> [7] 1.0222183 1.6891098 2.5351231 3.5543293 4.8116926 6.0699739
#> [13] 7.2145361 8.0734588 8.7456720 9.2110485 9.4866269 9.7101657
#> [19] 9.8736650 9.9650449 10.0098433 9.9950749 9.9846698
Ramsay, J. O., G. Hooker, D. Campbell, and J. Cao. 2007. “Parameter Estimation for Differential Equations: A Generalized Smoothing Approach.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) 69 (5): 741–96.