
This project implements the GSLAM dataset plugin for dataset TUMVI.

Primary LanguageC


This project implements the GSLAM dataset plugin for dataset TUMVI: https://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/visual-inertial-dataset .

Compile and Install

  1. Please compile and install GSLAM: https://github.com/zdzhaoyong/GSLAM
  2. Please compile and install PICMake: https://github.com/zdzhaoyong/PICMake
  3. Compile this project with cmake
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ..;
sudo make install

Play the dataset with GSLAM

First download a sample dataset:


Decompress and play with GSLAM:

gslam qviz play -dataset dataset-calib-cam1_512_16/mav0/.tumvi