
Jatin Goyal

Uneet Patel


  1. Run the script file naming l31script.m . The training error is shown on matlab command window after each epoch, calculated as mentioned in question.
  2. You will get 7 different graphs in which 6 graphs are of decision boundary with H = 2,4,8,16,32 and 64.
  3. One graph will be of training error for differnt H values.
  4. Combining all the training errors in one graph. The final graph is shown in the report.

Q2) Task1

  1. To accomplish this task, run the file naming script2.m . The training and validation error is shown on matlab command window after each epoch.
  2. All the images of the training set and validation set should be in the folder naming 'steering'.
  3. Set all the values in the script file to get differnt plots.
  4. Set Number of Epochs, learning rate, minibatch size, dropout probability of all the layers.
  5. Now run the file script2.m and get the desired plots. (*however the results obtained during the run are listed in Results.txt)

Q3) Task2

  1. For this run the file naming script2comp.m.
  2. All the images of the test set should be in the folder naming 'l3-test'.
  3. Get the file 'ydash.mat' which shows the predicted steering angle for the corresponding image. (* the training weights are saved in the files namely savew1.mat, savew2.mat, savew3.mat)

P.S. Make sure that all the files are in the same folder.

Directory structure (

1. Code files
	1. .m files - all functions and script files
	2. .mat files
	3. README.txt
	4. Results.txt 
2. l3-test
	1. Images of the test dataset.
3. steering
	1. Images of the training and validation dataset.	
4. Q_1_plots
	1. Plots for the question 1.	
5. Q2_a_plots
	1. Plots for the question 2-a.	

Thank You