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Manage kmers and index genomic data with kmtricks, kmindex, and back_to_sequences

Pierre Peterlongo. Ebame-9.

Lecture slides Pierre_Peterlongo_kmers.pdf

Chapter 0. Preliminaries

For this tutorial we prepared VMs on wich we installed kmtricks and kmindex. After you connect to your VM through SSH run the following command:


which will start a new session of Tmux (terminal multiplexer). Tmux is a handy tool for running one or more terminals at the same time, with the possibility to detach them (so that they keep running in the background) and/or reattach them to a different terminal.

Detach: "CTRL-b d" Re-attache: tmux attach

Data used for this tutorial.

The data are already on the VM.

  1. Data used for testing kmtricks are located in data/public/sra/. We will use SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz, SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz, and SRR8653247_1.fastq.gz. They all are Illumina HiSeq 2500 runs of Human infant gut virome.

  2. Data used for testing kmindex are located in data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/, in subdirectories SRA_VIRAL/ and SRA_VIRAL2/. They are unitigs from 2x100 various viral RNA datasets. Unitigs were created by the logan project.

Tools used for this tutorial.

  1. kmtricks. As it takes several minutes, you installed kmtricks yesterday. It is accessible by ~/kmtricks/bin/kmtricks.
Here is how you installed it:

sudo apt-get install cmake --yes
git clone --recursive https://github.com/tlemane/kmtricks
cd kmtricks
  • git clone needs ~1mn
  • ./install.sh needs ~6mn30

Note that kmtricks can also be installed by other means (see this doc).

  1. kmindex. You will install it, see the dedicated section below

  2. back_to_sequences. You will install it, see the dedicated section below

Chapter 1. Testing kmtricks

1.1 Create a counted kmer matrix

  • Create a directory and go there
mkdir ~/kmtricks_tests && cd ~/kmtricks_tests
  • Create a file of file containing two datasets: SRR8652861_1 and SRR8653248_1.
echo "D1: /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz" > fof_sra.txt
echo "D2: /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz" >> fof_sra.txt

Question1: What is the difference between '>' and '>>' in the previous command?


  • cmd > file.txt enables to store the output of cmd in file.txt, erasing its potential previous content.
  • cmd >> file.txt enables to add the output of cmd at the end of file.txt.

Question2: What is the cumulated size of D1and D2?


ls -lh /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz This is 255M+185M = 440M

If you want to know the size of uncompressed files:

  • zcat /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz | wc -c
  • zcat /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz | wc -c
    • 712426733 bytes that are ~679MB.

So the total size of uncompressed files is ~1.5GB

Question3: How to consider not only reads1, but to consider that D1is composed of SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz and SRR8652861_2.fastq.gz, and D2 is composed of SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz and SRR8653248_2.fastq.gz?


More info here: https://github.com/tlemane/kmtricks/wiki/Input-data

With kmindex one line may correspond to multiple input files. So if we wish D1 to be SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz and SRR8652861_2.fastq.gz we can indicate this line in the for D1:

D1: /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz ; /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_2.fastq.gz

Finally, we can build the fof.txt for D1 and D2 by:

echo "D1: /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz ; /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8652861_2.fastq.gz" > fof_sra.txt
echo "D2:  /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz ; /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653248_2.fastq.gz" >> fof_sra.txt

(but don't do this, I'd take too much time for this tuto)

  • Create the raw counting matrix
~/kmtricks/bin/kmtricks pipeline --file fof_sra.txt --run-dir ./matrix_example --mode kmer:count:bin --hard-min 2 --cpr -t 16

(should last ~1mn)

Question4: Check and understand all the 7 arguments & options used here:

  1. pipeline
  2. --file fof_sra.txt
  3. --run-dir ./matrix_example
  4. --mode kmer:count:bin
  5. --hard-min 2
  6. --cpr
  7. -t 16

  1. pipeline: We used the pipeline command from kmtricks. It calls various submodules for you
  2. --file fof_sra.txt: This is the file of files
  3. --run-dir ./matrix_example: Where the matrices (among other things) is going to be stored
  4. --mode kmer:count:bin: There are many possible output. We chose to represent counted kmers in binary format
  5. --hard-min 2: We removed kmers having only one occurrence in the input file
  6. --cpr: Output files are compressed
  7. -t 16: We use 16 threads

Question5: What is the main output from this command? Can humans read it?


tree matrix_example/
|-- build_infos.txt
|-- config_gatb
|   `-- gatb.config
|-- counts
|   |-- partition_0
|   |-- partition_1
|   |-- partition_2
|   `-- partition_3
|-- filters
|-- fpr
|-- hash.info
|-- histograms
|-- howde_index
|-- kmtricks.fof
|-- matrices
|   |-- matrix_0.count.lz4
|   |-- matrix_1.count.lz4
|   |-- matrix_2.count.lz4
|   `-- matrix_3.count.lz4
|-- merge_infos
|   |-- partition0.merge_info
|   |-- partition1.merge_info
|   |-- partition2.merge_info
|   `-- partition3.merge_info
|-- minimizers
|   |-- minimizers.0
|   |-- minimizers.1
|   |-- minimizers.2
|   `-- minimizers.3
|-- options.txt
|-- partition_infos
|   |-- D1.pinfo
|   `-- D2.pinfo
|-- repartition_gatb
|   `-- repartition.minimRepart
|-- run_infos.txt
`-- superkmers
    |-- D1
    |   |-- PartiInfoFile
    |   `-- SuperKmerBinInfoFile
    `-- D2
        |-- PartiInfoFile
        `-- SuperKmerBinInfoFile

The most interesting output from this are the four matrices in the matrix_example/matrices directory

  • Dump the matrix in a human-readable format:
~/kmtricks/bin/kmtricks aggregate --matrix kmer --format text --cpr-in --run-dir matrix_example >  kmer_matrix.txt

(should last ~30s)

Question6: What is the result and what information does it contain?


Now matrices are readable and can be viewed for instance with less kmer_matrix.txt. This file contains kmers having at least 2 occurrences in at least one of the two datasets D1 and D2.

For instance, the first line AAAAAAAAAACATTGAACTAATCTAAAAGCA 2 0 indicates that kmer AAAAAAAAAACATTGAACTAATCTAAAAGCA has 2 occurrences in D1 and 0 in D2.

Question7: How many distinct solid kmers the two datasets contain?


A solid kmer is a kmer considered as non-erroneous, here having at least 2 occurrences in at least one of the two files. Just counting the number of lines in the matrix gives the results

wc -l kmer_matrix.txt
67345405 kmer_matrix.txt

So there are ~67 million solid kmers in the two datasets.

Question8 Bonus (If we've time): We could have dumped directly the matrices in a human-readable format. How to do this?


kmtricks can output results in a human readable format:

~/kmtricks/bin/kmtricks pipeline --file fof_sra.txt --run-dir ./readable_matrix_example --mode kmer:count:text --hard-min 2 --cpr -t 16

1.2 Differences between matrices

Imagine now we are interested in a new dataset SRR8653247_1.fastq.gz. We want kmers neither in SRR8652861_1.fastq.gz nor SRR8653248_1.fastq.gz.

To do this we can use the filter module. However, this module is not installed by default. Let's install it:

cd ~/kmtricks
./install.sh -m
./bin/kmtricks filter --help

Now we can play with this third read set:

cd ~/kmtricks_tests/
echo "R1: /home/ubuntu/data/public/sra/SRR8653247_1.fastq.gz" > remove_fof.txt
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks filter --in-matrix matrix_example --key remove_fof.txt --output filtered_matrix_R1_only --hard-min 2 --out-types k --cpr-in
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks aggregate --run-dir filtered_matrix_R1_only/ --count R1:kmer --format text --output kmers_only_R1.txt

Question9: validate that first kmer found is only in R1 and not in D1 D2


  1. Get the first read: head -n 1 kmers_only_R1.txt gives you AAAAAAAAAACAAAGAGGAGTGGTTTATTAT 2
  2. Check that this kmer AAAAAAAAAACAAAGAGGAGTGGTTTATTAT does not occur in kmer_matrix.txt: grep AAAAAAAAAACAAAGAGGAGTGGTTTATTAT kmer_matrix.txt This gives no results, meaning that the kmer is specific to R1

Question10: How many distinct kmers are only in R1 and not in D1 nor D2?


Again: wc -l kmers_only_R1.txt. There are 19752331 specific to R1.

1.3 Find kmers present in all datasets:

Now let's look at kmers in the three datasets:

../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks filter --in-matrix matrix_example --key remove_fof.txt --output filtered_matrix_R1_D1_D2 --hard-min 2 --out-types {m,v} --cpr-in
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks aggregate --matrix kmer --format text  --run-dir filtered_matrix_R1_D1_D2 > kmers_R1_D1_D2.txt

1.4 Bonus kmtricks: plugins.

Imagine now you're interested in building matrices but only for kmers present at least 12 times in both D1 and D2. In this case, you can filter-out the obtained kmer_matrix.txt. However, this can be a heavy file. With kmtricks you can write our plugins, filtering directly the created matrix. Let's have a look.

Create the following plugin in ~/kmtricks/plugins/my_plugin/my_plugin.cpp

#include <kmtricks/plugin.hpp>

// DMAX_C is a compile definition set by cmake
using count_type = typename km::selectC<DMAX_C>::type;

class FilterAbundance : public km::IMergePlugin
  FilterAbundance() = default;
  unsigned int m_threshold {0};

  // Override process_kmer
  // Discard lines which contain abundances less than a threshold
  bool process_kmer(const uint64_t* kmer_data, std::vector<count_type>& count_vector) override
    for (auto& c : count_vector)
      if (c < m_threshold)
        return false;
    return true;

  // Override configure (not necessary if you don't need configuration)
  // The string is passed to kmtricks with --plugin-config
  // Here it's a simple example where the string is a threshold
  // It could be a path to a config file for instance
  void configure(const std::string& s) override
    m_threshold = std::stoll(s);

// Make the plugin loadable
extern "C" std::string plugin_name() { return "filter_abundance"; }
extern "C" int use_template() { return 0; }
extern "C" km::IMergePlugin* create0() { return new FilterAbundance(); }
extern "C" void destroy(km::IMergePlugin* p) { delete p; }

The important function here is process_kmer. The rest can be forgotten for now.

Let's now compile and run the pipeline, including this plugin:

cd ~/kmtricks
./install.sh -p
cd ~/kmtricks_tests/
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks pipeline --plugin ../kmtricks/build/plugins/libmy_plugin.so --plugin-config 12  --file fof_sra.txt --mode kmer:count:bin --hard-min 2 --cpr -t 16 --run-dir matrix_example_plugin
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks aggregate --matrix kmer --format text --cpr-in --run-dir matrix_example_plugin > final_matrix_plugin.txt

Question11: validate (visually) on the obtained final_matrix_plugin.txt that kmers have an abundance of at least 12 and 12 in D1and D2.


head final_matrix_plugin.txt enables to show that first kmers have an abundance at least 12 in the two datasets.

Question12: Modify the plugin (function process_kmer) to retain only kmers seen at least 12 times in D1 and whose abundance is at least double in D2. Recompile, re-test, and validate the output.


In this case we redo exactly the same steps from the start of section 1.4, replacing the process_kmer function by

bool process_kmer(const uint64_t* kmer_data, std::vector<count_type>& count_vector) override
// return true if all c[0] > 12 and c[1] > 2*c[0]
  if (count_vector.size() >= 2 && count_vector[0] > m_threshold && count_vector[1] > 2*count_vector[0]){
    return true;
  return false;

Recompile (still with -p option) and re-run kmtricks changing the output directory name:

../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks pipeline --plugin ../kmtricks/build/plugins/libmy_plugin.so --plugin-config 12  --file fof_sra.txt --mode kmer:count:bin --hard-min 2 --cpr -t 16 --run-dir matrix_example_plugin2
../kmtricks/bin/kmtricks aggregate --matrix kmer --format text --cpr-in --run-dir matrix_example_plugin2 > final_matrix_plugin2.txt

Verify results

head final_matrix_plugin2.txt 

Chapter 2. Testing kmindex

Up to now, we have created matrices. However, they are used as indexes. This is where kmindex arrives. It can use kmtricks matrices as the basis for building indexes, but it can also handle all the indexing and query pipelines.

2.1 Install kmindex

For this lesson, we will use the conda environment.

conda create -p kmindex_env --yes
conda activate ./kmindex_env
conda install -c conda-forge -c tlemane kmindex --yes

(takes ~1mn30)

Let's go to a specific directory:

mkdir kmindex_tests && cd kmindex_tests

Question13: Check that kmindex is installed and have a look at the help.


kmindex -h

Prints the help

2.2 Create a first index

Let us construct a first index from a set of 100 unitig files from the logan project.

Let's create an index, indexing 100 files each containing unitigs. Files are located in /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL:

First, we need a file of file. We create a file containing, for each .fa file in this directory,: its accession name: full path.

for filename in `ls /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/*.fa`; 
  accession=`basename $filename | cut -d "." -f 1`; 
  echo $accession: $filename; 
done > fof.txt

Question14: Decorticate this for loop, understanding each sub-command.


Each .fa file is as /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/DRR024015.unitigs.fa For each of them, we want to create in the file of file a line as DRR024015: /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/DRR024015.unitigs.fa

  1. The for loop enumerates each .fa file.
  2. accession='basename $filename | cut -d "." -f 1'; collects the accession value (DRR024015 on the example).
  • It removes the path of the filename (removes /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/)
  • It cuts the remaining (DRR024015.unitigs.fa) to keep only what is before first '.' (cut -d "." -f 1)
  1. it prints the accession followed by ':' and then the full path
  2. At the end we store everything in fof.txt with > fof.txt

Question15: As files contain unitigs, what should be chosen as the minimum abundance to keep a k-mer? What is the corresponding option name?


All kmers are unique in unitigs. So we should keep all kmers, specifying the threshold to 1. This is the --hard-min 1 option

Question16: The number of distinct kmers per unitig file is below $2^{19}$. We will create bloom filters so that the false positive rate is at most 25%. What should be the size of the bloom filters, knowing that we use 1 hash function? See for instance Bloom filter calculator, using a unique hash function, to compute the BF size, knowing the number of kmers to index.

  • Note: we used ntcard to estimate the number of kmers in each file.


Bloom filter size should be 1822457.

Note: We can also use the following command lines for automatic computation.

real_bf_size=$( echo "(-( 2^${log_bf_size} )* l($p) / l(2)^2) " | bc -l | cut -d "." -f 1 )

Question17: What is the option name used to fix the bloom filter size?


--bloom-size 1822457

Now we are ready to run kmindex.

kmindex expects 3 output information:

  • the name of the main index (in which several sub-indexes can be registered as we will see later). This is the --index parameter.
  • the directory name of the constructed index. This is the --run-dir parameter.
  • the name of the created index. This will be used in the main index. This is the --register-as parameter.

Not a Question18: Run the following command, building an index.

kmindex build --index index_VRL --run-dir dir_index_VRL --register-as reg_index_VRL --kmer-size 25 --bloom-size 1822457 --hard-min 1 --fof fof.txt

(takes 30 seconds)

Question19: look at the two created directories, and explain their content.


  • One is dir_index_VRL. This is where the bloom filter matrices are (in matrices sub directory).
  • One is index_VRL. It contains:
    • a symbolic link to the dir_index_VRL directory
    • an index.json file that lists the names of indexed files (used later at query time)

Question20: Use the index-infos kmindex command on the created index


```bash kmindex index-infos -i index_VRL/ ``` Lists the indexed files

We arrive now at the most interesting part (?) of the day: let's query our sequences. We want to know where the 3 first reads of R10000513.unitigs.fa are eventually among the 100 files we've indexed

Let's first create the query (containing the first 3 unitigs from ERR10000513unitigs.fa:

head -n 6 /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/ERR10000513.unitigs.fa > query.fa

And now let's run the query:

kmindex query -i index_VRL -q query.fa -r 0.1 -z 6
  • Note: -r 0.1 enables to output indexed datasets for which at least 10% of the kmers from the query are in the dataset.

Question21. Was it fast?


YES :)

Question22: Check and understand the output json file


The previous command created a output/reg_index_VRL.json file. For each queried dataset it shows the ratio of shared kmers between the query and this dataset.

Question23: verify that each of the three reads was correctly found in the ERR10000513 file


grep ERR10000513  output/reg_index_VRL.json

Enables to show that 100% of kmers of the three unitigs in the query are in set ERR10000513.

Question24: recall the role of the -z parameter, and try different values (including 1 and 8)


We have indexed 25-mers, while our goal was to query 31-mers, so we query 6 consecutive 25-mers per 31-mer. This is the findere trick.

  • using -z 1 the result show more results, that are false positives.
  • using -z 8 we query 33-mers and some results obtained with 31-mers (-z 6) show a lower amount of shared k-mers.

2.3 If we have time: Add a second index to the first one

Question25 Create a second index with files located in /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL2 (create a fof2.txt file of files)


Create a second file of files:

for filename in `ls /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL2/*.fa`;
    accession=`basename $filename | cut -d "." -f 1`;
    echo $accession: $filename;
  done > fof2.txt

Now build a second index

kmindex build --index index_VRL --run-dir dir_index_VRL2 --register-as reg_index_VRL2 --fof fof2.txt --kmer-size 25 --bloom-size 1822457 --hard-min 1 

Question26: understand parameters index, run-dir, register-as


  • index: this is the main index location
  • run-dir: this is the run directory where matrices for this dataset (fof2) are going to be stored
  • register-as: this second index will be register as reg_index_VRL2 in the main index index_VRL

Question27: understand the structure of the directories


  • dir_index_VRL2 contains the newly created matrices
  • index_VRL contains now two symbolic links and index.json stores the lists the names of the 200 indexed files

Question28: restart the previous query with the same parameters, did we query both indexes?


kmindex query -i index_VRL -q query.fa -r 0.1  -z 8
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Global index: 'index_VRL'
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Starting 'reg_index_VRL' query (100 samples)
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Index 'reg_index_VRL' processed. (00s)
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Starting 'reg_index_VRL2' query (100 samples)
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Index 'reg_index_VRL2' processed. (00s)
[24/10/22 13:51:27][I:99280] Done (00s).

We see that the two indexes have been queried

2.4 [If we have time] Merge a second index to the first one

Even if the two sub-indexes are registered in a unique large one, they are distinct and require two queries. With kmindex, we can merge distinct indexes, as long as they were created using the same repartition function.

Let's re-construct a merged index:

First, construct the first one, with distinct names:

kmindex build --index merged_index_VRL --run-dir dir_index_VRL_merge --register-as reg_index_VRL --kmer-size 25 --bloom-size 1822457 --hard-min 1 --fof fof.txt

Second, create the second index, using the repartition computed by the first call:

kmindex build --index merged_index_VRL --run-dir dir_index_VRL_merge2 --register-as reg_index_VRL2 --from reg_index_VRL -fof fof2.txt --hard-min 1

Note that here we reuse all parameters from merged_index_VRL, no need to specify bloom size

Finally, merge the two indexes:

kmindex merge --index merged_index_VRL --new-name merged_index_VRL --to-merge reg_index_VRL,reg_index_VRL2 --new-path dir_merged_index

Question29: restart the previous query. How many indexes were queried?


kmindex query -i merged_index_VRL/ -q query.fa -r 0.1  -z 8
[24/10/22 13:56:16][I:99498] Global index: 'merged_index_VRL'
[24/10/22 13:56:16][I:99498] Starting 'merged_index_VRL' query (199 samples)
[24/10/22 13:56:16][I:99498] Index 'merged_index_VRL' processed. (00s)
[24/10/22 13:56:16][I:99498] Done (00s).

We see that we queried here a unique index.

Chapter 3. Find matches between sequences using back to sequences

Up to now we "only" found matches between a query and a set of sequences (here unitigs, but it can be genes, reads, ...). Once we have identified a target for a query one may want to go further and find back to which sequences the query is similar.

This is something feasible with back_to_sequences, a simple but efficient tool.

3.1 Install back_to_sequences (b2s)

bs2 is written in Rust. The installation is extremely simple. On this brand new VM, on need to install cargo (the Rust package manager):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Then, source the cargo environment: . "$HOME/.cargo/env" (or reload the environment).

Once cargo is installed, it can be used to install b2s and all its dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/pierrepeterlongo/back_to_sequences.git
cd back_to_sequences
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo install --path .
cd ..
rm -rf back_to_sequences

Now that b2s is installed, just check the help:  back_to_sequences --help

3.2 Run back_to_sequences

Previously we found a partial match between our query and the unitigs from sample DRR272392 located in /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/DRR272392.unitigs.fa.

This was show in output/reg_index_VRL.json, line DRR272392": 0.4666666666666667,

We are now going to find which unitigs from DRR272392 matched the query:

back_to_sequences --in-kmers query.fa --in-sequences /ifb/data/public/teachdata/ebame/kmindex/SRA_VIRAL/DRR272392.unitigs.fa --out-sequences out_DRR272392_queried.fa --out-kmers out_DRR272392_queried_kmers.txt -m 5

Question30: What are the two created files, what do they contain?


  • file out_DRR272392_queried.fa shows the unitigs from DRR272392.unitigs.fa that contain at least 5 k-mers from our query.
  • file out_DRR272392_queried_kmers.txt shows the kmers from our query and their abundance in the contigs (here only 0 or 1 as this are unitigs)
    • in this file we see that only 7 over 40 kmers are in DRR272392.unitigs.fa. This is not 46% as output by kmindex. We are here facing some false positives from kmindex. In case you don't know what to do this weekend, you may try to re-build the index with a lower FP rate (say 0.1%).

Question31: Check the possible options of b2s, enabling to obtain more "pseudo-mapping" information.


  • adding the --output-kmer-positions,the out_DRR272392_queried_kmers.txt does not show anymore the number of occurrences of k-mers from the query in the DRR272392.unitigs.fa, but instead it shows their occurrences positions in this file (and their orientation)
  • adding the --output-mapping-positions, the out_DRR272392_queried.fa also shows the position of kmers from the query in unitigs from DRR272392.unitigs.fa that contain at least 5 k-mers from our query.