
Game development studio management game made with Unity. Custom homemade language for scripting.

Primary LanguageC#

Game Inc.

A game development studio management game made with Unity and C#6, inspired by games like Game Dev Story and Game Dev Tycoon.


Currently in pause while considering a port to C#7 and Godot 3 since this projet is still in its infancy (this is my first Unity project anyway).

Implemented Features (WIP)

  • Database System loading custom JSON files (supporting comments and multi-line strings) into game objects at runtime. The entire game is intended to be described by these files : gaming platforms, random names generation, employee skill sets, game features, events, world news... The base game is in the Assets/Resources/Core folder.

  • Script System: statically typed embedded toy language heavily inspired by Rust for its syntax and some of its concepts, with some Typescript and Python influence. The lexer and parser are currently very error-prone and difficult to extend.
    Expression parsing is done with the Shunting-Yard algorithm to build an AST that can be evaluated recursively (no bytecode VM yet).

    Currently supports primitives (boolean, integer, float, string, Database ID, Date), algebra with parentheses support, constants and variables, function calls, and arrays. All type errors are caught on parsing.

    Implemented in about 2500 lines of C#6 in the Assets/Script module.

  • Staff: random employee generation.

  • User Interface:
    New games can be started with a dialog offering choices populated from the database (genre, theme, game engine).
    News prompts loaded from the database are displayed as stacked dismissable pop-ups on the day they occur.
    A script event triggering will cause a dialog to show and the game to pause while waiting for player interaction.

  • Market simulation: dynamic sales of released products (game or game engines only for now) with scoring and hype.
    Implemented so as to enable regional-specific market tendencies in the future.

  • Building management: the player can build new rooms, stairs or elevators.

Example of a JSON-defined object

// Event example
    "id": "Company_Engine_CanDevelop",
    // Every string displayed in-game can be formatted with the { expression } syntax,
    // where the 'expression' will be evaluated to retrieve its string representation
    "titleEnglish": "Custom Engine development unlocked!",
    "descriptionEnglish": """
        Having completed {Engine_CanDevelop_MinGames} games,
        you can now develop your own game engine!
        2 * test = { 2 * test.ToInt() }
    "onInit": """
        // comments will not be removed in a JSON multi-string
        let Engine_CanDevelop_MinGames: int = 3; // statically-typed constant
        let Engine_CanDevelop_MinDate: date = 1984/02/01; // game date parsing
        let mut test: float = 0.0; // variable
    "triggerCondition": """
        // must return a boolean
        // the $ notation is used to access a global game object
        // these global objects are defined in C# code
        ($Company.Projects.CompletedGames.Count() >= Engine_CanDevelop_MinGames)
        ($World.CurrentDate >= Engine_CanDevelop_MinDate)
    "triggerAction": """
        test = 2.0 ^ (3.0 - 1.0); // operations parsing (no type inference yet)
        // global objects can be mutated from script if explicitely allowed
        $Company.Money += test;
        // the id type allows referencing other database items
        let feature_id: id = @Engine.CanDevelop;
        $Company.SetFeature(@Engine.CanDevelop, true);
    "triggerLimit": """
        // must return an integer
        1 // no ";" : the expression returns its result
    """, // trailing commas are allowed but optional
},  // this avoids additional noise in the source control diffs