- 5
- 1
Awesome philosophy
#200 opened by nicholaswmin - 2
- 9
React Native support
#130 opened by vidhill - 2
Couldnt locate documention or plugins to format logged payload as JSON (compatible with Datadog etc)
#186 opened by gkatsanos - 8
Cleanup/modernization of developer test/build tooling
#191 opened by Mr0grog - 3
Jasmine:requirejs test is hanging
#133 opened by ossdev07 - 12
- 8
- 11
LogLevel output doesn't show when running in a test
#177 opened by JESii - 2
The name of the file the log has been generated and the line number is broken when using a plugin
#188 opened by mustafaekim - 1
how to send to logs server?
#185 opened by 18610509683 - 2
Is it possible to enable multiple plugins?
#184 opened by kmiwa007 - 1
- 6
- 1
Log to a file
#180 opened by brett-matson - 2
- 3
- 4
Possibility to save log output to file
#175 opened by mjovanc - 5
loglevel print duplicate log in React component
#171 opened by rsi-yhe - 5
Is it possible to import Loglevel as an ES module in client-side javascript?
#174 opened by shanemcandrewai - 3
[TypeScript] Unable to use a plugin with typescript
#149 opened by Losses - 2
Would you consider deprecating in favor of Roarr?
#170 opened by gajus - 2
Show filename and line of logging code
#169 opened by pslzr - 2
methodFactory logLevel parametr has always same value
#166 opened by xmedeko - 4
Configurable persistence
#165 opened by xmedeko - 4
GDPR: Add an option to disable cookie persistence
#160 opened by Kureev - 1
Programmatic log levels
#164 opened by eurostar-fennec-cooper - 3
- 2
Is `console.log()` reference redefiend by loglevel?
#161 opened by Doogiemuc - 4
- 1
Log.error should stringy the error object
#159 opened by yesparthasarathy - 3
Only `` messages are output in `catch()` when the level is set to `info`
#157 opened by tukusejssirs - 2
Uncaught ReferenceError: _typeof is not defined
#156 opened by yanerchuang - 4
Support `loglevel.getLogger(Symbol())`
#151 opened by vvanpo - 3
ESM - Angular 10 Tree Shaking Support?
#155 opened by anh-rivergon - 2
Getting filename & line number as chunk.js
#154 opened by Anush-DP - 2
Alternative importing in browser as an ECMA module
#153 opened by eouia - 3
- 0
- 4
WebpackError: ReferenceError: window is not defined
#146 opened by webjay - 4
How to dynamically control log level
#145 opened by devamchakrabarty - 2
v1.6.6 breaks useragent in node (matrix-js-sdk)
#142 opened by Dogcatfee - 1
Mocha only works with default import
#140 opened by KonradHoeffner - 2
No log output
#139 opened by ed4becky - 7
loglevel.trace() does not print message in IE11
#138 opened by CaitlinWeb - 1
invalid main attribute in package.json
#136 opened by mkvonarx - 4
- 6
Set log level recursively
#134 opened by muuvmuuv - 2
Blocked by uBlock Origin (EasyPrivacy)
#132 opened by peyao