
errors running full human multiome

Closed this issue · 3 comments

i need to reproduce these two analyses
full-multiome: an extended version of the above tutorial with detailed usage.
full-skin: a short tutorial for the inference and analysis of dynamic networks on SHARE-seq data for mouse skin. Contains a simple demonstration to account for covariates.

I run into errors runing full-multiome: 1.1 CPU part 1, execution
Here GPU is used to speed up computation. Therefore this part only infers the TF binding network that serves as a constraint for GRN inference.

set -eo pipefail
cd ..
#Run CPU part of inference
make -f makefiles/ -j 12 -k cpu || true

got errors like this one:
Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 18 11 AM

please help: how this problem occur and how to fix it?
in the code above, I believe this is for the human blood samples, the mm should be hs, right?

in this full-multiome analysis, should all four steps, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, and 4.1 be executed, right?

Checks before submitting the issue

  • I installed the latest Dictys version successfully
  • I downloaded the whole folder for the tutorial
  • I ran the tutorial cells and notebooks (if more than one) in the correct order and only once
  • The preceeding cells and notebooks finished successfully (i.e. the reported error is the first encountered)

Describe the error

  • How did you install Dictys (which option)?
  • Which tutorial?
  • What and where was the error?
  • Did you deviate from any of the tutorial instructions?

Optional steps (may accelerate troubleshooting)

  • Attach the error notebook and all preceeding notebooks with run output

Hi hshcao. Could you describe the problem by answering the questions in the issue template before I can help you further?

Hi lingfei,
let me finish the short multiome part and get back to you if I still have any questions.

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