
Global marine patterns of fish genetic diversity

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This repository provides the data, scripts, and figures for the analyses in "Global patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic diversity in marine fishes", which identifies latitudinal and longitudinal patterns in mitochondrial and nuclear genetic diversity in marine fishes, as well as any underlying macroecological drivers.

Citation: Clark RD & Pinsky ML. (2024) Global patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic diversity in marine fishes. Ecology & Evolution, 14:e11365. DOI:10.1002/ece3.11365

A complete list of all necessary software and packages (with version numbers) can be found at the bottom of this README.

This repository is organized into 4 folders:

  1. /data: Contains raw data from literature search, as well as information and notes on how the literature search was conducted.
  2. /output: Contains source data for R scripts.
  3. /scripts: Contains R scripts and code for analyses included in the manuscript.
  4. /figures: Contains pngs of plots included in the manuscript.

Please contact René Clark at rclark848[at]gmail.com with any questions.

Also available to download as a zip archive from DRYAD: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.8gtht76wn.

Necessary Software

  1. R (v.4.2.2 or above)
  2. RStudio (v.2022.12.0 or above)

Necessary R Packages

  1. data.table (v.1.14.8)
  2. DHARMa (v.0.4.6)
  3. glmmTMB (v.1.1.7)
  4. here (v.1.0.1)
  5. leaflet (v.2.1.2)
  6. lme4 (v.1.1-31)
  7. MuMIn (v.1.47.5)
  8. performance (v.0.10.4)
  9. raster (v.3.6-20)
  10. rfishbase (v.4.1.1)
  11. scales (v.1.2.1)
  12. sdmpredictors (v.0.2.14)
  13. sf (v.1.0.13)
  14. sjplot (v.2.8.12)
  15. splines (v.4.2.2)
  16. tidyverse (v.2.0.0)
  17. tmap (v.3.3.4)