- 0
Feature Request: Option to Store Raw Kafka Messages in S3 Without Parser Transformation in Secor.
#2826 opened by Vijay1518 - 1
Secor with zookeerper less Kafka
#2478 opened by aashish-agarwal-de - 10
Writing and reading offsets only from kafka
#1647 opened by naresh-kotha-ck - 0
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Tune file size create by Secor
#2449 opened by lukass77 - 1
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- 2
secor-monitor container not getting started.
#2333 opened by vickykumarmlt - 3
PartitionFinalizer fails when there is no data produced in the topic eventhough there are other topics with data
#2155 opened by yesemsanthoshkumar - 0
A Simple Study about Configuration Java Types
#2136 opened by liuyuxy - 1
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Kuberntes OOM Error. Very High memory usage > 15gb
#2129 opened by josekidengan - 1
Is there any alternative to AvroParquetWriter so that we can avoid using IndexedRecord?
#2132 opened by shantam04 - 2
- 8
Cannot make secor work with AWS instance profile
#1873 opened by dovka - 10
- 3
Expose JVM metrics when using Micrometer
#1949 opened by DomWos - 2
Ignore parsing exceptions
#1892 opened by jvaesteves - 3
Racing condition with parquet writer
#1792 opened by richiesgr - 1
Crashing exception after some time
#1760 opened by richiesgr - 1
Cannot parse timestamp with timezone
#1787 opened by jvaesteves - 1
manually assign avro schema to topic
#1742 opened by kozy - 4
Get exception when using micrometer
#1732 opened by richiesgr - 1
Blocking Issue when running on K8s on GCP
#1733 opened by richiesgr - 3
Unable to set Compression config when using AvroWriter
#1725 opened by richiesgr - 0
Get an Exception when reading Avro File
#1729 opened by richiesgr - 1
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Secor Avro parquet write invalid parquet file
#1718 opened by richiesgr - 2
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Occasional Unit test failures due to PowerMock
#1686 opened by jonathan-stein - 3
Educational purpose: Implementation question
#1641 opened by sfc-gh-japatel - 1
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Secor v0.29 is released
#1464 opened by HenryCaiHaiying - 3
Docker container suddenly terminates
#1512 opened by jvaesteves - 6 Mkdirs failed to create
#1440 opened by ksingh7 - 2
unable to find valid certification path to requested target : How to disable SSL in secor for S3 uplaod
#1409 opened by ksingh7 - 7
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Secor v0.28 is released
#1398 opened by HenryCaiHaiying - 6
v0.29 Docker Error : unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
#1399 opened by ksingh7 - 2
New release?
#1393 opened by Roguelazer - 0
Reduce secor integration test time
#1356 opened by HenryCaiHaiying - 0
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ProgressMonitor fails when one partition fails
#1251 opened by f1yegor - 3
Manual S3 purge possibility
#1336 opened by YakobovLior - 0
Secor storage Kafka not working
#1345 opened by YakobovLior - 6
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Kafka topics filter and blacklist usage issues
#1333 opened by YakobovLior - 2
Enhance secor's metrics monitoring library, integration with more metrics backend
#1341 opened by HenryCaiHaiying - 1
Are there release notes for different versions of secor?
#1266 opened by ashsingh21 - 0
Secor Usage/Enhancement Survey
#1314 opened by HenryCaiHaiying