

Handling livestreams across multiple OctoPrint instances can be exhausting. This toolikt uses OBS, Python and OctoPrint to easily switch between several videostreams and output the to your favourite streaming service. It also adds overlay texts to display print information like filename, temperatures and progress.


Simple Toolkit to control the video streams of several OctoPrint instances and output them via OBS-Studio. This tool uses the OctoPrint Rest API to access information about the current print and adds them as overlay to the video stream. It is also capable of handling multiple instances at once and switch between their respective streams based on printing progress and activity. It also checks whether the OBS-Studio instance is still alive and restarts OBS if necessary and reconnects the stream (linux only)

If you need support on a commercial scale to monitor larger printfarms, feel free to contact me.


Python 3



Simply download the main.py and pStream.yaml from Github.

Install OBS and OBS-Websocket with their respective installers

Use pip and/or venv to setup your python3 environment.

Setup & Configuration

The initial setup consists of two necessary steps. First, add the OctoPrint instance to the pStream.yaml to enable access by the script. Second, configure a scene in OBS containing the stream and two text sources

After installing OBS and the OBS-Websocket Plugin, make sure to configure OBS for Streaming to your favourite streaming service and enable the OBS-Websocket Plugin according to the manuals on their websites. After that perform following steps for each OctoPrint Instance you like to control.

General Settings

  • obsws_host -> URL or IP address of your OBS instance

  • obsws_port -> port on which the OBS-Websocket plugin is listening

  • obsws_pass -> password for the OBS-Websocket plugin

  • stream_dwell_time -> time in seconds for which a stream stays active before switching to another

  • enable_obs_alive_check -> enable checking weather obs is running and streaming and restart if possible ( currently only works on linux)

  • enable_secrecy -> if your are printing stuff that is intellectual property of someone else, enable a mode to not activate a stream if a certain catchphrase is present int the filename

  • secrecy_catchphrase -> secrecy catchphrase, if this string is found in the filename of the printjob, the video feed will not be shown

  • disable_after_finish_time -> time in seconds after which a finished print is not displayed anymore

Add a new entry to the pStream.yaml in the "instances" section

Use the pStream.yaml.example as a starting point.

Each instance has four parameters

  • name -> name of the instance, used for displaying in the overlay and identification of the scene
  • url -> url of the OctoPrint instance, supports url´s, ip addresses and multicast dns names
  • apikey -> OctoPrint Api Key for accessing the print status
  • forceactive -> boolean flag to show the stream regardless of the print status


name: "Prusa i3"

url: "http://prusa.local"

apikey: "F95E1544CF248AAAEFC49460CFB9E43"

forceactive: True

Configure OBS-Studio

I won´t go into detail here on how to properly setup OBS, just a few things.

  • Add a new scene to OBS, make sure its name matches the "name" entered in the pStream.yaml
  • to this scene, add a media source with according to the example in the picture, make sure to use the right url e.g. {octoprint-url}:8080/?action=stream it doesn´t matter how it´s named just select something descriptive

Source Setup

  • add two text Freetype2 text sources named {name}.text1 and {name}.text2 and position them in the scene. (those a deprecated as of v26, but well, I don´t care)
  • repeat the steps for every OctoPrint Instance you´d like to control
  • add a scene named "IDLE" and configure it as you wish

OBS Overview

Should look something like this when you´re done.

Make sure to configure the Output parameters in OBS, like streamprovider, encoding settings etc.

Of course you can add other video sources like ip cameras or whatever you like, you just have to add the source to a corresponding scene and configure an OctoPrint instance. You could also have multiple cameras per printer (e.g. one OctoPrint stream and one ip camera) you just have to add them as different scenes and configure two OctoPrint instances with the same url in the pStream.yaml.


That´s simple, start OBS, fire up a terminal and head to your project directory.


python3 main.py
