
VCF Dataset directory misnaming causes server to exit

Don-Isdale opened this issue · 0 comments

The server exited after the following error, which was caused by the VCF dataset directory in $vcfDir not matching the VCF datasetId created in Pretzel via spreadsheet upload.

server log extracts :

/app/lb3app/scripts/vcfGenotypeLookup.bash: line 440: cd: .../vcf/Fieldpea-SeedPurity: No such file or directory

  • echo Error: 0 'VCF dataset dir is not configured,' Fieldpea-SeedPurity, PWD=/

child process exited with code 0
cbWrap Error: Error: 0 VCF dataset dir is not configured, Fieldpea-SeedPurity, PWD=/

Error: Error: 0 VCF dataset dir is not configured, Fieldpea-SeedPurity, PWD=/