
Not an issue but a question

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I'm playing with your code for now I'm trying to change some values in the simulator. Like the start altitude, the turn radius or no_turns_below. My first question is, what is the difference between Planand Simcurves in the simulator (the glider always follow Simcurve), because in some case if I lower the start altitude I have a better trajectory and error score with the Plancurve.

The "plan" is the flight planner's current, instantaneous navigation plan. The device updates its plan at every step, and so the best "plan" can change. There are factors like the wind which the device doesn't know in advance. Also new alternative plans become available and so the plan can change.

The "sim" curve represents the actual flight path. Basically the code just plays forward each step of the simulation, and takes the sequence of actual positions as the "sim" path.