
A deep learning pipeline for 2D planar grasp synthesis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Surface Reconstruction and Grasp Synthesis


This project explores 2D object reconstruction and planar grasp synthesis using the deep learning architecture from PointSDF.


Use conda or pip to install the following requirements in an environment, if you don't already have them. I didn't have a requirements.txt file because some of them are tough to install. For Pytorch, you'll probably want to set up CUDA, which is slightly involved.


Building pygel3d

Follow the instructions at https://github.com/janba/GEL to build GEL and compile your own pip wheel. The pip wheel on PyPi doesn't work for Linux.

The correct incantation, after cloning the repo, is

mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j 8 ; cd ..
python setup.py bdist_wheel
pip install dist/PyGEL3D-*.whl

Don't mess with the auto-install scripts from GEL_UNIX/. They're outdated, and they've since moved to cmake.


If you need to generate new data, use, e.g.,

$ python generate_data.py --output_dir my_dir

For other parameters, modify data_generation/params.py.

Training and testing with the neural network TBD.

Understanding the generated data

The data in examples.p consists of many TrainingExample objects, which are defined in data_generation/training_ex.py.

A TrainingExample encodes a scene with a randomly positioned robot, and it has the following state and behavior:

  • robx, roby : the x and y position of the robot
  • shape : the Polygon object (in the global frame), centered at (0,0)
  • robang : the angle from the robot to the center of the visible region of the shape
  • scan_pts : an (N_SCAN_POINTS,2) ndarray of coordinates corresponding to the local-frame cartesian locations obtained by casting rays from the robot to the shape. The rays span the entire visible portion of the shape.
  • sdf(x) : a vectorized function converting an ndarray of coordinates (x,y) expressed in the robot local frame, to distance from the object. This function is used to evaluate the ground truth SDF.
  • grasp_quality(theta, b) : a function giving the quality of a grasp with angle theta and offset b, on the object's shape attribute.

It is unconventional to store training data as Python objects with functions, but in our case it makes sense because the network must learn two functions (SDF and grasp quality).

I highly recommend looking at the source code to understand the TrainingExample's state and behavior. In particular:

  • The data generation script in generate_data.py
  • The data generation parameters in data_generation/params.py
  • The example usage in notebooks/scratchwork/test_data.ipynb
  • The class definition in data_generation/training_ex.py

may all prove useful, in that order.


The code is divided into separate data_generation and network folders as follows.

│   README.md
│   generate_data.py                # Script to generate training data
└───data_generation/                # Package supporting data generation
│   │   __init__.py
│   │   grasp_quality.py            # Assessing grasps on 2D polygons
│   │   params.py                   # Parameters for data generation
│   │   shape_generator.py          # Random polygon generation
│   │   training_ex.py              # TrainingExample class holding data state
│   │   utils.py                    # Plotting utilities
└───notebooks/                      # IPython notebooks for development
│   └───scratchwork                 
|   |   |   ...   

##################### DOES NOT EXIST YET; LEFTOVER FROM GPNN ##############
|   │   evaluate.py                 # Module + script for testing/validation
|   │   search_hyperparams.py       # Script for tuning params
|   │   synthesize_results.py       # Script for summarizing saved metrics
|   │   train.py                    # Module + script for training network
|   │   utils.py                        
|   |
|   └───data                        # Pickle files with partitioned data
|   |   └───test_sdf 
|   |   | 
|   |   └───train_sdf
|   |   | 
|   |   └───val_sdf
|   |   
|   └───experiments                 # Folders for trying different parameters
|   |   └───sdf_cnn
|   |
|   └───model
|   |   |   data_loader.py          # Pytorch dataloader class for train/test
|   |   |   net.py                  # Pytorch neural network