
Lab assignments for the course "Algorithms", offered by Princeton University on Coursera.

Primary LanguageJava

Lab Assignments for Coursera Online Course "Algorithms"

Lectures given by Prof. Robert Sedgewick and Prof. Kevin Wayne (Princeton University)

Assignment 1

  • Use data type Union-Find implemented by two different algorithms to model a percolation system.
  • Adopt the Monte Carlo simulation to estimate this percolation system's threshold.
  • Empirically analyze the runtime of 2 algorithms that underpinning the data type Union-Find, i.e., quick find and weighted quick union algorithm.
  • Details: https://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/percolation/specification.php

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

  • Build a "Point" data structure that implements Comparable<> interface and with method returns object-dependent comparator<>.
  • Based on Java's sort() method implement an approach to detect colinear points (line segaments) in a given set of points, i.e., Point data type objects, for computer vision application.
  • Details: https://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/collinear/specification.php


  • Create a "Board" data-type that models n-by-n puzzles with sliding tiles.
  • Use binary heap based "Priority Queue" data-type to implement A* algorithm for solving the n-by-n puzzles (Board states ast as nodes to form a tree-like data structure with one state as the goal).
  • Details: https://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/8puzzle/faq.php


  • Implement a Kd-Tree (2D-Binary Search Tree) for 2D points storaging, range searching and nearest-neighbor searching, then compare its correctness with the brute force approach.
  • Analyze memory usage and runtime of Kd-Tree and Brute-Force method by using theoretical model and empirical method.
  • Details: https://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/kdtree/specification.php


  • Build the linguistic wordnet (a lexical database) by parsing the words in the wordnet and store their semantic relations, including synonyms and hyponyms, into a directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure.
  • Use breadth-first search (BFS) to realize the wordnet methods that find the shortest distance between any two words in the wordnet and the ancestor word that connects them.
  • Details: https://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/wordnet/specification.php