- 6
Curate trainings to retain or remove for 2025
#906 opened by stevepiercy - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
All trainings should use official installation instructions for either developing a project or core software
#829 opened by stevepiercy - 2
Issue on page /voltoaddons/01-addon-basics.html
#815 opened by Molochem - 2
- 1
- 0
- 0
Add troubleshooting guide to Plone Deployment
#808 opened by stevepiercy - 2
- 3
Mastering Plone 6: Notes from a newbie
#774 opened by m0lentum - 1
`mastering-plone/` unknown documents
#753 opened by stevepiercy - 0
Mastering Plone 5 Development and @indexer
#760 opened by yurj - 5
Typo in /mastering-plone/features.html
#811 opened by prathamjagga - 3
Mastering Plone 5 should be removed from Training
#869 opened by stevepiercy - 4
Dont use diff in VLT training
#885 opened by jackahl - 1
Primary nav hamburger icon and page title alignment incorrect, nav does not collapse
#866 opened by stevepiercy - 1
Remove lesscpy from requirements.txt?
#868 opened by stevepiercy - 0
WARNING: Lexing literal_block ... as "scss" resulted in an error at token: '$'
#870 opened by stevepiercy - 3
Vale and VSCode
#857 opened by ksuess - 0
Upgrade Vale to v3
#854 opened by stevepiercy - 1
Typo issue in Content Types I
#843 opened by jsrjhbaryan959 - 3
Update search options according to available trainings
#845 opened by ksuess - 1
- 2
Linkcheck is preventing training update
#780 opened by ksuess - 1
Error when trying to build
#831 opened by Tichars - 1
Typos in Training Documentation
#825 opened by ujjwaleee26 - 3
Master Plone 6 welcome page screenshot is of 5.2
#749 opened by stevepiercy - 0
Documentation issue for RelatedItemsFieldWidget configuration regarding basePath
#817 opened by zopyx - 3
Issue on page /voltohandson/footer.html
#812 opened by Molochem - 1
Issue on page /mastering-plone-5/eggs1.html
#814 opened by paskyorg - 0
Scroll to active navigation element
#787 opened by ksuess - 0
Fix title in sticky header on mobile
#789 opened by ksuess - 2
Search page missing its name in the title tag
#784 opened by stevepiercy - 0
- 1
Breadcrumbs of search results are missing
#776 opened by ksuess - 4
- 0
Use Vale for spell and style checking
#751 opened by stevepiercy - 5
Replace links to `*` with `*` across Plone org
#740 opened by stevepiercy - 1
- 1
Mistake on Plone 6 on 40. Complex Behaviors
#745 opened by Azzam1503 - 1
Mistake on Plone 6 38. Relation Page
#743 opened by Azzam1503 - 7
Plone Training Documentation still as 2022
#738 opened by rakshith6404 - 1
Create a section on the Trainings home page describing our plan to archive outdated trainings.
#737 opened by stevepiercy - 1
Feature : Implementing a dark mode/theme for Training documentation and the official documentaiton of Plone
#735 opened by rakshith6404 - 2
[Training "React"] Updation needed in the folder structure of the React Training (bootstrap.html#bootstrapping-a-project)
#727 opened by rakshith6404 - 4
- 1
Search button can be improved
#731 opened by Tishasoumya-02