
Front end component of the react-blog project that uses React, React-Bootstrap, React-Router to create a seamless user experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Blog App

A repository to practice React, React-Hooks, React-Router, and React-Bootstrap. This repository serves as the front end of our two part react-blog-app. The API routes for the app have been created in another repository named full-stack-react-blog.


The front end of our Full Stack React Blog was created using the following technologies/frameworks/libraries:


The Requirements for this exercise were as follows:

  • Using our API routes on the backend, to create a blogging application that allows users to comment on posts as well as create new articles.

What I Learned

  • Setting up Cors in express in order to allow the front end and back end to communicate while running each server on a different port.

Still Todo

  1. Continue rendering the homepage.
  2. Set up the routes for inspecting a particular article/post ( will have a comments section for users to read all comments/add a new comment)
  3. Set up the new post page so users can add a new article/post
  4. General beautification