- 2
GL Context and mouse interactions issues with Dash VTK
#1148 opened by xhluca - 3
Update "Syntax Highlighting With Markdown" instructions
#1216 opened by DavidBord - 3
Basic layout example in docs not working
#1213 opened by okartal - 1
Potential performance issue: groupby performance regression in pandas 1.2.x
#1215 opened by TendouArisu - 0
- 2
Add examples of the preferred way integrate dash with alternative plotting libraries
#1068 opened by joelostblom - 7
Coiled + Dash + Dask example is out of date
#1212 opened by scharlottej13 - 1
DataTable filtering: filter_action doesn't work if the columns property is not specified
#1168 opened by aGitForEveryone - 0
Where to update current dash.testing docs?
#1210 opened by kwinkunks - 2
Generic Crossfilter Recipe example is broken
#1121 opened by n8willis - 2
GitLab service connection refused
#1139 opened by demonintherough - 3
- 1
Text overflow in tooltip sample app
#1206 opened by RunQi-Han - 2
'Kubernetes Installation' link throws 500 error
#1207 opened by tatiana45 - 0
- 0
- 1
Mutable default arguments in AIO example 1
#1198 opened by frnhr - 1
Datatable Filtering - Documentation doesn't match current Dash version
#1197 opened by davidalbertonogueira - 1
Examples with `trigger_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]` potentially misleading as command only gets the first trigger
#1177 opened by JonThom - 1
Update Link in documentation
#1176 opened by yesdeepakmittal - 1
Spelling update
#1174 opened by yesdeepakmittal - 1
- 0
- 0
R: "Sharing data between callbacks" doesn't mention dccStore, and gives outdated advice of using hidden divs
#1163 opened by daattali - 1
formatting relative %changes with colour scale
#1161 opened by YuxinSUN89 - 0
Docs: Documentation for Dash$new(assets_url_path) says that the default is “assets” but it’s “/assets” with a leading slash
#1155 opened by daattali - 0
Docs: documentation website incorrect information about serving local assets
#1154 opened by daattali - 1
xlxs instead of xlsx ?
#1151 opened by adrienpacifico - 1
document dcc.Upload file size limitations
#1022 opened by cldougl - 0
datatable - make it clearer that you can build custom sorting functions with python
#1025 opened by miketerp - 0
Document dash_bio.NglMoleculeViewer
#1048 opened by alexcjohnson - 0
clickAnnotationData documentation
#1066 opened by cldougl - 0
JS syntax highlighting
#1095 opened by alexcjohnson - 1
Choropleth Map not Working Python
#1103 opened by tony-zeidan - 0
Clang error for development on MACOS 10.15.7
#1109 opened by akmorrow13 - 2
Local docs do not match production docs
#1110 opened by akmorrow13 - 1
Add more examples for app.get_relative_url in public docs
#1129 opened by xhluca - 0
CI example
#1138 opened by demonintherough - 0
Pdf Documentation do not have any content?
#1145 opened by DataPsycho - 0
Add dash-vtk API reference to dash-docs
#1133 opened by xhluca - 0
- 1
Break down Dash VTK docs into multiple sections
#1143 opened by xhluca - 2
- 1
CI Docs for Pull Requests & Review Apps
#1070 opened by tobinngo - 2
Python class example in React for Python guide should pass self instead of this
#1088 opened by DrGFreeman - 0
React for Python Developers: Outdated script references
#1036 opened by ndrezn - 1
The downloaded DOC PDF file is Blank!!!
#1067 opened by luoweipeter - 1
review app hyperlink to dash enterprise section in "what's dash" sidebar is absolute
#1045 opened by jdamiba - 1
- 0
link to the azure & aws install
#1052 opened by chriddyp