- 5
dash-renderer issue when loading python dash
#171 opened by wsebastiangroves - 0
Newline character (\n) in table cell causes Javascript selector error (dash 2.7.1)
#188 opened by anneliiese - 4
Request Hooks
#65 opened by chriddyp - 5
When callback exceptions are supressed, if an `Input` or `State` references an ID that doesn't exist at callback trigger, then an front-end exception is thrown
#57 opened by chriddyp - 1
Hot reloading only working once (reappearance?)
#178 opened by michaelmorin1 - 1
- 1
unhandled js error with preventupdate?
#169 opened by chriddyp - 1
- 6
Breaking change between v. 0.19.0 and 0.20.0
#135 opened by simon-k - 1
NotifyObservers propTypes not correct
#121 opened by valentijnnieman - 1
- 1
- 13
- 1
Set (or optionally set) `setProps` even if the component has no shared dependencies
#98 opened by Marc-Andre-Rivet - 1
Interactive plots lose callbacks with tabs
#96 opened by nite - 9
dash dev tools UI
#94 opened by chriddyp - 3
CSS does not load when using Docker Container
#68 opened by SaranyaaVR - 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
raise better error message if trying to make a callback with an incomplete set of inputs
#56 opened by chriddyp - 1
intermittent CI failure
#38 opened by chriddyp - 2
Inconsistent comment
#34 opened by akhmerov - 3
- 0
- 4
Props on components' children come in on `props.children[0].props.children.props`, not on `props.children[0].props`
#84 opened by valentijnnieman - 0
Regression going from Dash 0.39 to 0.40 -- implicit `0` child is missing from app
#148 opened by Marc-Andre-Rivet - 1
- 14
Unregistered dcc input components are having their contents cleared after callback updates
#40 opened by ned2 - 1
Included bundle in the assets
#125 opened by T4rk1n - 1
Remove redux-logger?
#117 opened by chriddyp - 0
Remove Event system
#113 opened by alexcjohnson - 0
Add test for hot-reload.
#111 opened by T4rk1n - 0
Add source map to npm and pypi packages
#104 opened by Marc-Andre-Rivet - 0
'undo' does not work when actions applied to two different components consecutively
#66 opened by rmarren1 - 6
Handle loading component suites dynamically
#46 opened by chriddyp - 4
- 1
- 14
missing a fetch polyfill?
#87 opened by chriddyp - 1
500 instead of 404 when requested path is trash
#80 opened by radekwlsk - 0
Character Set not specified
#61 opened by radekwlsk - 1
- 0
Update webpack
#71 opened by T4rk1n - 3
Allow to set a custom Loading react component
#33 opened by Akronix - 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
- 2
Remove redux-logger from production build
#35 opened by mjclawar - 1
optimization: Compute derived props in componentWillReceiveProps not render
#30 opened by bpostlethwaite