Remote development environment for Clion and embedded

In Clion, we can use remote host to support the development. To understand the setup of the environment visit this official blog post. Recently, studying Igor's Viarcheichyk "Embedded Programmimg with modern C++ cooknook", I needed to have the necessary toolchain to compile for ARM.


Build and run:

    docker build -t plusangel/remote-embedded-cpp-env:0.1 -f Dockerfile .
    docker run -d --cap-add sys_ptrace -p127.0.0.1:2222:22 --name clion_remote_embedded_env plusangel/remote-embedded-cpp-env:0.1
    ssh-keygen -f "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "[localhost]:2222"


    docker stop clion_remote_embedded_env

ssh credentials (test user): user@password


angelos plastropoulos