This repository contains a host of ROS package for the F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Competition and for the real-time reachability work described here.
For those interesting in watching videos of our safety assurance implementation utilizing the real-time reachability algorithm, the videos can be found here.
- Rtreach: safety assurance regime using real-time reachability techniques. Details can be found here.
- Computer_vision: implementation of end-to-end, object tracking, and other cv approaches
- Map_server: custom map server amenable to the google cartographer package
- Rl: implementation of reinforcement learning techniques such as augmented random search, ppo, soft-actor critic.
- Pure-pursuit: pure pursuit path tracking implementation for the F1/10 platform.
- Particle_Filter: cuda enabled particle filter implementation by MIT
- Racecar: main package containing a variety of nodes,launch files, and configuration files used to control the F1/10 car.
- /ackermann_cmd_mux/input/teleop : topic used to issue control commands to the vehicle. Encoded as an AckermannStamped message.
- /zed/zed_node/camera_odom: visual odometry provided by the camera
- /zed/zed_node/confidence/confidence_image: a confidence map that represents the confidence of a given measure (Z) for every pixel (X,Y) in the image. Confidence values vary between 0 and 100, representing the best confidence value possible
- /zed/zed_node/depth/depth_registered: camera depth cloud
- /zed/zed_node/path_odom: Sequence of camera odometry poses in Map frame
- /zed/zed_node/left/image_rect_color
- /zed/zed_node/right/image_rect_color
- /zed/zed_node/stereo/image_rect_color: stereo rectified pair images side-by-side
- Change the namespace parameter in the launch file [src/racecar/launch/keyboard_teleop.launch]
- Change the link name to the corresponding name in this urdf file so that the static transforms are done correctly