- adelavegaUniversity of Texas, Austin
- ChenSDSouthwest University
- chrisgorgoAnthropic PBC
- colinlaney
- edickie@TIGRLab
- eglereanAalto University
- fjcamillo@amagitechnologies
- gacek91Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- giuconte
- JaeyeongYang@cenaclesoft
- jdkent@PsychoinformaticsLab
- kaczmarjStony Brook Medicine
- KaosGhostNINJA
- lillianjisooNew York, NY
- llevitisLondon, England
- lucabrivio
- lukassnoekUniversity of Glasgow
- marcpabstUCL
- mehdidcJuelich Supercomputing Center (JSC), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, LAION
- mgxdStanford University
- mtnhuckBiocogniv Inc
- njuddDonders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- oestebanCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudoise
- PeerHerholzNorthwestern University
- pep8speaks@OrkoHunter
- PratikDhanave
- Remi-GauOrigami lab - McGill University
- rhancocknBrainWorks, WTI, Yale
- shawnrhoadsIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- shreyaspadhyUniversity of Cambridge
- souravsingh
- sparkler0323CASIA
- tsaloUniversity of Pennsylvania
- tyarkoniX, the moonshot factory
- VakinduPhilliam@appwrite
- zhifangyUniversity of Oregon