
Problems matching comments

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Two types of problems:

  • systematic_id missing from change log
  • two comments that end up on the same change (resulting in line duplication)

The problem seems to be that some features did not have \systematic_id and had \gene instead. Opening a branch from master to fix this.

Addressed with #10, now I have to re-run.

usp108 change is the same in both comments.

SPBC16E9.16c also, so the changes can be merged

These are not exactly the same, but were done at the same time, so they are a single change really:

SPBC4.02c               complement(join(2369064..2369160, 2369246..2369416, 2369455..2371243, 2371351..2371451, 2371507..2371583))      complement(join(2369064..2369190, 2369246..2369416, 2369455..2371243, 2371351..2371451, 2371507..2371583))        Solexa transread data; changed accceptor for final intron, improved homology            2008-05-02
SPBC4.02c               complement(join(1185617..1186640, 1186738..1186846, 1187087..1187324))  complement(join(1185617..1186640, 1186738..1186846, 1187087..1187162, 1187220..1187324))        Solexa transread data; added in-frame splice to first (existing) exon, improved homology          2008-05-02