- 4
Duration as parameter
#35 opened by nonperforming - 4
GC Alloc
#34 opened by FreedTerror - 2
Rendering issues with HDRP
#33 opened by PawitKoch - 1
#30 opened by hackwar9x - 3
[2018.4.23] Not working in Play Mode
#21 opened by jbltx - 0
i am lost, cant use package
#29 opened by Ademord - 0
AR and URP
#27 opened by Zifkan - 1
Can i make line thick?
#28 opened by momozahara - 4
- 8
- 3
Conflict with Graphic.DrawMeshInstancedProcedural
#24 opened by Reguluz - 1
- 1
- 1
Add shape fill (Gizmos.DrawCube)
#16 opened by Avatarchik - 8
Lines rendering towards camera.
#19 opened by Nahush22 - 5
Version control
#20 opened by favoyang - 1
Not Rendering in Android Phone
#18 opened by Nahush22 - 2
Some materials turns back to its original(pink) when project is reopened or sometime on scene reloading in Universal Rendering pipeline Unity 2019.3.0f6.
#17 opened by sohailzaheer - 3
gizmos get rendererd by one camera only
#15 opened by TKUsaneers - 5
Gizmo for VR
#13 opened by kirevdokimov - 3
#12 opened by smygarn - 22
- 10
- 2
Gizmos in builds only working in the first scene
#10 opened by Zo0mey - 2
Material can't be changed through Gizmos
#3 opened by RunninglVlan - 3
Version of Unity supported
#1 opened by fylux