
Learning Vulkan from Udemy using https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-the-vulkan-api-with-cpp

Primary LanguageC++

Learning Vulkan


The 2022 Autodesk Recharge Sprint gave me the opportunity to go trough an introductory course for Vulkan(link). I followed the lesson plan and I implemented everything the instructor explained and a little extra.

Thanks Autodesk !

What I learned

  • Create a Vulkan instance, get a physical device, create a logical device, get the physical queues, get the logical queues, setup the validation layers on debug, get the surface, get the swap-chain
  • Create the render passes with sub-passes and dependencies
  • Create the resource descriptor layouts and the graphics pipeline, texture samplers
  • Crete the depth buffer, color frame buffer targets, load texture data, vertex data, index data, uniform buffers, dynamic uniform buffers and push constants on the device
  • Create command pools and command buffers
  • Crete and use Vulkan semaphores, fences and barriers for device-device and device-host synchronization
  • Record command buffers so data can be generated in the frame-buffers
  • Present the generated data to the screen
  • Resize the swap-chain and the screen at runtime
  • Load custom model data with the ASSIMP library
  • Use multiple sub-passes

Repo usage instructions

  • Make sure your video card supports at least Vulkan 1.1(this is what the code was written against)
  • I only provide solutions for visual studio 2019 on windows, but the code is cross-platform(not tested)
  • Install the Vulkan SDK (I worked with version but a newer version should also work as expected)
  • Download this repository from https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial.git
  • Open the solution(vulkan_course_app.sln) compile and run it (the resources project should compile the shaders and copy the resources to the output folder and the vulkan_course_app should compile the executable and copy the necessary dlls)


  • Only x64 versions of the project are available, but the code should compile on x86
  • Make sure the SDK added an environment variable for it's location VULKAN_SDK, this variable is used to find the library and to compile the shaders
  • If for some reason you need to compile the shaders outside of visual studio they are all located in /shaders and they respect the standard naming conventions, the results should be placed in the same directory as the executable
  • If visual studio is not used all the files from the resources folder should be placed in the same directory as the executable and the following dlls should be also added there /external/glfw/glfw3.dll, external/assimp/assimp-vc140-mt.dll
  • There is an open source extension for visual studio https://github.com/danielscherzer/GLSL also offered directly from the Microsoft Visual Studio extension marketplace https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DanielScherzer.GLSL it offers full support for GLSL on Vulkan, the user just has to add "-V" for the "Arguments for the external compiler executable" and an absolute path for glslangValidator in the "External compiler executable file path (without quotes)", otherwise it will not work with the Vulkan specific stuff
  • There is a great free and open source graphics application debugger called RenderDoc(https://github.com/baldurk/renderdoc) it looks and feels like Pix from Direct3D 9, but it can work with Vulkan, OpenGl, OpenCL and Direct3D, it saved me a lot of time and I fully recommend it
  • For a complete list of the external libs that I use see the "External libs" section, all of them are cross-platform, but for GLFW and ASSIM I only provide the windows versions in this repository, they are easy to recompile on any platform




Mar 10, 2022 Add support for swap-chain resize/screen resize

e26985e5dec60b6aa59a79c19f93083d0e774330 https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/e26985e5dec60b6aa59a79c19f93083d0e774330

Mar 10, 2022 Add a second sub-pass, the first pass stores the color and the depth and the second pass will display on half of the screen the color pass and on half the depth pass

9ac2d3a90fd7f7a7cc3352965246224eee05e31b https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/9ac2d3a90fd7f7a7cc3352965246224eee05e31b

Mar 9, 2022 Add model loading support

a4d95cee27e5b7e72053c393d3a720f3e2266bc5 https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/a4d95cee27e5b7e72053c393d3a720f3e2266bc5

Mar 8, 2022 Add textures support

ea09110a269aa9a79519e7061a1b552af3d888d5 https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/ea09110a269aa9a79519e7061a1b552af3d888d5

Mar 7, 2022 Draw multiple objects with dynamic uniform buffers and push constants

##Mar 4, 2022 Draw multiple objects with uniform buffers 3dd27dfee5eae0e5646e4c3de878f2338ce815ff https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/3dd27dfee5eae0e5646e4c3de878f2338ce815ff

Mar 3, 2022 Draw with an index buffer and a vertex buffer

Mar 4, 2022 Use uniform buffers

b99650ccdf7f6429e5b546b7027fb8fa934cd3a0 https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/b99650ccdf7f6429e5b546b7027fb8fa934cd3a0

Mar 2, 2022 Draw the first triangle with hard-coded data in the shaders(it's beautiful)

b857c3117b8e4481c6adf380c9324ee05f24ec40 https://github.com/popescualexandrucristian/udemy_vulkan_tutorial/commit/b857c3117b8e4481c6adf380c9324ee05f24ec40

Mar 1, 2022 Create the logical device, the swap chains and the render pass


Feb 28, 2022 Set-up project learn the theory on the structure of a Vulkan application and setup the project


External libs

STB image

External resources

Cat model
Test texture - default color grid from Blander
Panda texture