- 6
- 0
Add support for PowerShell completion so TerraForm and other library consumers can inherit that support
#151 opened by nam20485 - 3
'Sub:' and 'Flags:' don't seem to work together.
#134 opened by colecrouter - 0
The way of installation was chenged
#149 opened by y-vectorfield - 2
Global flags
#148 opened by imarsman - 2
- 4
Why can't I run exec.Command("app do something") call inside custom predictor?
#145 opened by vlad2095 - 0
Possible Security Issue
#144 opened by paulzerkel - 7
Bring flag arguments to subcommand?
#143 opened by Arneball - 1
gocomplete: stderr output jumbles up the prompt
#139 opened by antichris - 1
- 1
gocomplete: test failures are supressed
#135 opened by antichris - 0
- 1
Error when installing to msys2 bash
#133 opened by chriswalz - 3
- 13
Add support for completing short flags (-x)
#127 opened by chriswalz - 2
How to write shell completion function in Go
#126 opened by blueray453 - 1
I have not been able to get it to work
#125 opened by Xichen96 - 9
- 5
Install without using Flags
#120 opened by skyzyx - 5
- 4
Sensible line wrap length for comments
#116 opened by AdamSLevy - 3
Module aware go completion
#115 opened by AdamSLevy - 5
Omit trailing space from completion
#87 opened by AdamSLevy - 6
Support specifying the completion command
#113 opened by pwittrock - 2
- 1
gocomplete go.mod still broken
#93 opened by tv42 - 1
- 0
Add tests for different shells
#95 opened by posener - 2
- 5
- 4
Cache results between completions
#81 opened by millergarym - 1
- 9
- 0
Add support for COMP_POINT environment variable.
#72 opened by posener - 1
Consider making a new patch release
#66 opened by AdamSLevy - 3
Help with the self example
#61 opened by chinanf-boy - 1
- 0
Add support for fish
#42 opened by rickard-von-essen - 2
go/src/ undefined: os.Executable
#43 opened by stevepm - 7
- 2
zsh completions on <enter>
#49 opened by sethvargo - 5
- 5
Complete packages names?
#41 opened by Deleplace - 1
go tool subcommand completion missing
#39 opened by josharian - 3
Should this work?
#34 opened by keynan - 1
- 1
Flags are over-recommended
#24 opened by disq - 0
Add support for zsh
#9 opened by posener - 0
Check for requirements before install
#7 opened by posener