
Why does the highest expression plotted with most negative density? Disagreement between FeaturePlot vs plot_density

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi there,

Thanks for a great tool.

I plot the joint density of a vector of genes that were scored using AddModuleScore.

When I plotted this score for each cell using FeaturePlot and plot_density. The results are entirely opposite of each other. Would you mind helping me to correct this?

Thank you again.
With FeaturePlot:
Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 11 51 56 PM

With plot_density:

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 11 52 32 PM

Hello, I'm not a developer but you can find a workaround by specifying the kernel density method to method = "wkde". Hope that helps!

Hi @denvercal1234GitHub did you solve the issue? I have the same problem

@gabsax: Have you tried @p-gueguen's suggestion of setting method = "wkde"? It works for me.

Hi @mschili87, it partially solve the problem but the result it's not accurate. But I found it works better if in addition to setting method = "wkde" I also transform the data:

obj$signature <- round((obj$signature + abs(min(obj$signature))) * 100)


...but the result it's not accurate.

Could you elaborate?


You can view the plots in the attachment. The Featureplot accurately shows the cells expressing the signature. When visualizing the signature with Nebulosa by simply adding the argument method = "wkde", there are still some cells that shouldn't express it (Nebulosa 1 in the red circle). However, if you transform the data as I showed earlier, you can obtain a Nebulosa plot very comparable to the Featureplot (Nebulosa 2).

Interesting example. I guess it's the negative values that create the difference. So there are lots of cells expressing the feature but those are balanced out by a lot of others that do not express it at all. 🤔
@joseah: Any thoughts on this?