
Basic GUI to demo the Game of Life with a variety of rule sets

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Basic GUI to demo the Game of Life with a variety of rule sets



John Conway in the 1970s introduced the Game of Life. The game, a cellular automaton, consists of a grid, made up of cells generally with two states: alive or dead. At each turn or generation, the entire grid is evaluated cell-by-cell, based on a set of rules. The rules determine whether cells, are born, continue to live, or die. The rules are applied to create a new grid for the next generation of cells.

The rules that are used can lead to amazing patterns and sequences. Some of these patterns can look like ships, usually referred ot as a gliders, that move across the grid.

The goal of this project was to introduce myself to more Rust and learn how to layout code, and continue to play with egui.


Users can control a variety of aspects of the game:

  • rule set: Pick which rules to apply at each generation. More details on each of these below.
  • seed: At the start, a grid with a random percentage of live seeds is created. Users can set a seed to rewatch a certain seed at any time. Users can also select a random seed to mix things up further.
  • alive cell %: Users can also set the percentage of living cells when generating a new board to see how that affects certain rule sets.

Rule sets

A rule string describes when cells should be born or stay alive, otherwise the cell dies. Rule sets are in the format B{number list}/S{number list}. For example, the classic Conway's Game of Life rule set is B3/S23 meaning:

  • If an dead cell has 3 neighbors, then it is born
  • If a living sell has 2 or 3 neighbors, then it survives
  • Otherwise a cell dies

Includes are a number of different rules.

Name Rule String Description
Conway B3/S23 The classic rule set
Assimilation B345/S4567 Diamond-shaped patterns
Day and night B3678/S34678 Blots
Diamoeba B35678/S5678 Small random soups
Dot life B3/S023 Explosive and chaotic
Dry life B37/S23 Similar to Conway
High life B36/S23 Similar to Conway
Honey life B38/S238 Honeycomb can be common
Invert a maze B028/S0124 This flips between alive and dead
Life without death B3/S012345678 Nothing dies
Vote B5678/S45678 Blots of paint

A neighbor is any cell that touches another cell. This incudes all 8 cells around another cell. Cells on the edge do not wrap around to the other side. Sometimes a rule string with a v at the end indicates a von Neumann neighborhood, meaning only the four cells in the north, south, east, and west direction.