- 0
unable to turn off LSP during run-time.
#1590 opened by gegoxaren - 1
Restart the lsp server can not work.
#1542 opened by Aromate - 1
- 1
- 0
Manually open the diagnostic float with function
#1519 opened by saccarosium - 0
enable ` set tagfunc=lsp#tagfunc ` by default
#1584 opened by lijh8 - 0
- 0
Add some way to disable diagnostics from a given server
#1575 opened by Jorenar - 0
vim-lsp does not install rust-analyzer
#1581 opened by leitao - 0
vim lsp causing huge slow down on large C++ file
#1580 opened by spartan-117 - 3
How do you remove the underlines?
#1578 opened by acampove - 1
didChange event removing all contents when closing window shortly after a change
#1577 opened by dotdash - 1
- 0
cursorline and cursor messed up with vim-lsp.
#1572 opened by TayTTo - 1
Diagnostics display as line until hovered?
#1554 opened by maclong9 - 2
- 3
- 1
Bug: Updating buffer (open, reload) creates duplicated server-side content when multiple LSP servers are enabled
#1547 opened by rgoya - 0
Checking if LSP server is running for a specific filetype
#1568 opened by Hezkore - 1
Prettier & ESLint
#1563 opened by sophoniie - 1
Remap file paths between LSP server and Vim
#1524 opened by antekone - 7
Disable capabilities of individual language servers
#1505 opened by JaRoSchm - 0
bug info vim-lsp
#1557 opened by nda-cunh - 0
hope vimlsp recognize progress info
#1553 opened by imtzw - 0
- 6
No semantic highlight with pylsp
#1530 opened by kalium222 - 1
File ownership state is out of sync when doing multiple LspRename on unsaved buffers on multiple files
#1541 opened by lieryan - 1
LSP servers not connecting, Windows 11
#1540 opened by kevinlam03 - 3
No command for `textDocument/pullDiagnostics` feature ?
#1532 opened by tbruyelle - 4
Errors when using vim with g:lsp_use_native_client: "Invalid value for argument id" in lsp#client#send_response()
#1497 opened by mageta - 0
LSP Workspace Diagnostics
#1536 opened by storopoli - 1
Undo in neovim
#1534 opened by hoagy-davis-digges - 1
- 0
LspRename sometimes hangs
#1531 opened by BackSeat - 1
how can we config mlir-lsp-server
#1529 opened by hunterzju - 2
Issue with Typescript language server and ESLint
#1521 opened by raiansantos - 0
- 3
Vim <Ctrl-D> and <Ctrl-F> stopped working
#1522 opened by mettavi - 0
Regression: g:lsp_async_completion not effective, lsp#omni#complete is always async
#1520 opened by notuxic - 1
- 4
E117: Unknown function: getbufoneline
#1512 opened by Jsbjr - 0
Weird output when using `:tselect` <tag>
#1509 opened by chrg127 - 1
infinity loop whit any LSP C
#1508 opened by nda-cunh - 0
- 0
vim-lsp makes UI slow when `folding` enabled
#1506 opened by jerinphilip - 2
[Question] Convert lsp#register_server to vim9script
#1499 opened by carlotm - 1
Unexpected lsp diagnostics in difference filetypes
#1492 opened by jiz4oh - 0
lsp server not working when editing a new java file
#1500 opened by pokir - 0
Feature request: Automatically open fold after jumping to definition with `:LspDefinition` when `&foldopen` includes `'jump'`
#1498 opened by lukelbd - 0