
Predict the effect of genetic mutations in cancer tumors and classify them based on text clinical literature.

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Personalized cancer diagnosis

Business Problem


Source: https://www.kaggle.com/c/msk-redefining-cancer-treatment/

Data: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)

Download training_variants.zip and training_text.zip from Kaggle.


Source: https://www.kaggle.com/c/msk-redefining-cancer-treatment/discussion/35336#198462

Problem statement :

Classify the given genetic variations/mutations based on evidence from text-based clinical literature.

Machine Learning Problem Formulation


Data Overview

Source: https://www.kaggle.com/c/msk-redefining-cancer-treatment/data
We have two data files: one conatins the information about the genetic mutations and the other contains the clinical evidence (text) that human experts/pathologists use to classify the genetic mutations.
Both these data files are have a common column called ID

Mapping the real-world problem to an ML problem

Type of Machine Learning Problem

There are nine different classes a genetic mutation can be classified into => Multi class classification problem

Performance Metric

Source: https://www.kaggle.com/c/msk-redefining-cancer-treatment#evaluation


Multi class log-loss
Confusion matrix

Machine Learing Objectives and Constraints

Objective: Predict the probability of each data-point belonging to each of the nine classes.


Class probabilities are needed.
Penalize the errors in class probabilites => Metric is Log-loss.
No Latency constraints.

Train, CV and Test Datasets

Split the dataset randomly into three parts train, cross validation and test with 64%,16%, 20% of data respectively

Exploratory Data Analysis

Reading Data

Reading Gene and Variation Data

Reading Text Data

Preprocessing of text

Test, Train and Cross Validation Split

Splitting data into train, test and cross validation (64:20:16)

Distribution of y_i's in Train, Test and Cross Validation datasets

Prediction using a 'Random' Model

In a 'Random' Model, we generate the NINE class probabilites randomly such that they sum to 1.

Univariate Analysis

Univariate Analysis on Gene Feature

Machine Learning Models

Base Line Model

Naive Bayes

Log Loss : 1.153235894590452 Number of missclassified point : 0.38345864661654133

K Nearest Neighbour Classification

Log loss : 1.0324353214410276 Number of mis-classified points : 0.36466165413533835

Logistic Regression

With Class balancing

Log loss : 1.043318050124558 Number of mis-classified points : 0.3458646616541353

Without Class balancing

Log loss : 1.062988230671672 Number of mis-classified points : 0.3533834586466165

Linear Support Vector Machines

Log loss : 1.076836039361882 Number of mis-classified points : 0.3458646616541353

Random Forest Classifier

Hyper paramter tuning (With One hot Encoding)

Log loss : 1.1978667267936522 Number of mis-classified points : 0.39473684210526316

Hyper paramter tuning (With Response Coding)

Log loss : 1.3352069773071837 Number of mis-classified points : 0.4943609022556391

Stack the models

Log loss (train) on the stacking classifier : 0.5386754023282136 Log loss (CV) on the stacking classifier : 1.138717562146062 Log loss (test) on the stacking classifier : 1.1742087492677697 Number of missclassified point : 0.38646616541353385

Maximum Voting classifier

Log loss (train) on the VotingClassifier : 0.8329702627479129 Log loss (CV) on the VotingClassifier : 1.1887678593349613 Log loss (test) on the VotingClassifier : 1.2061284826287209 Number of missclassified point : 0.3849624060150376

Logistic regression with CountVectorizer Features, including both unigrams and bigrams

Log loss : 1.1025061826224287 Number of mis-classified points : 0.36278195488721804

adding Variation Feature,Text Feature to improve the performance

Log loss : 0.9976654523552164 Number of mis-classified points : 0.3233082706766917


After some feature engineering we manage to decrease the log loss below < 1. We can adopt more feature enginnering methods and reduce the log loss furhermore.