A simple, direct, ultra-thin CLR library for high-performance Win32 Native Interop
- 0
Why not Vanara? Don't reinvent the wheel.
#63 opened by GF-Huang - 0
- 6
GetWindowThreadProcessId wrong results
#59 opened by deadlocklogic - 4
Nuget package
#37 opened by mpolicki - 0
Consider naming enums like so..
#42 opened by Shadowblitz16 - 0
- 0
Add Menus and Buttons to window?
#40 opened by Shadowblitz16 - 2
Window class doesn't exist
#39 opened by Shadowblitz16 - 1
Simple Image (Native Controls)
#38 opened by Donaut - 2
AdjustWindowRectExForDpi is missing
#36 opened by ciriousjoker - 1
GetDpiForWindow is missing
#35 opened by ciriousjoker - 0
Apply SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity
#33 opened by trmcnealy - 0
lacking shell32.dll apis
#32 opened by songshizhao - 1
No scrolling functionality
#30 opened by tonyhallett - 1
missing SendMessageTimeout
#25 opened by GiantappMan - 0
Denying a Window Focus
#29 opened - 4
- 1
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE support in EventedWindowCore?
#23 opened by mpolicki - 6
- 1
- 5
High CPU Usage
#18 opened by mattkol - 1
Missing some functions from User32.dll
#15 opened by Trapov - 0
Many tiny dependencies or monoliths
#13 opened by prasannavl - 8
Create Button doesn't work ?
#12 opened by malickf - 1
WinApi Run linux?
#11 opened by Donaut - 4
App locks after taking a screenshot
#10 opened by mattkol - 4
InitMouseInput Signature
#9 opened by vflame - 2
Cannot install NuGet package
#7 opened by dori4n - 1
Packaging: Move to .NET Core csproj
#8 opened by prasannavl - 1
Ntdll.dll functions
#6 opened by igromanru - 1
Is there an AOT implementation?
#4 opened by nawfalhasan - 1
Feature: Message Encoders
#1 opened by prasannavl - 1