Hyprland Setup

Welcome to my Hyprland setup on GitHub! This project showcases my personalized configuration for various tools and applications to create a customized desktop environment.


My Hyprland setup includes the following components:

  • Window Manager: Hyprland
  • Shell: Bash
  • Terminal: Foot
  • Launcher: Wofi
  • File Manager: Ranger
  • Notify Daemon: Dunst
  • Panel: Waybar
  • Browser: Firefox

I also use Pywal to customize the theme of my desktop environment based on the wallpaper I have set. Pywal picks colors from the wallpaper in real-time and applies them to Waybar and the terminal. Additionally, I use Pywalfox to colorize the Firefox theme according to Pywal's colors.


Here are some screenshots of my Hyprland setup:

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 1


To set up your own Hyprland environment with a similar configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary components: Hyprland, Bash, Foot, Wofi, Ranger, Dunst, Waybar, and Firefox.
  2. Install Pywal and Pywalfox for color customization.
  3. Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/prathamdupare/pratham-hyprland.git
  1. Copy the configuration files from this repository to their respective locations on your system.
  2. Customize the configuration files according to your preferences.
  3. Restart the relevant services or log out and log back in to see the changes take effect.

Feel free to explore the configuration files in this repository and customize them to suit your needs!


If you have any suggestions or improvements for my Hyprland setup, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. I welcome contributions from the community to make this setup even better!

Sources used making these