
Merchant API reference implementation

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


More details available in the BRFC Spec for Merchant API.

The old golang (v1.1) implementation is no longer being maintained and has been moved to the golang-v1.1 branch.

Swagger UI

The REST API can also be seen in the Swagger UI.


For support and general discussion of both standards and reference implementations please join the following telegram group.


mAPI requires access to Bitcoin SV node version 1.0.6 or newer. See Managing nodes for details how to connect to a bitcoin node.

For running in production, you should should use Docker. Docker images are created as part of the build. See Deploying docker images for details how to run them.

A SSL server certificate is required for installation. You can obtain the certificate from your IT support team. There are are also services that issue free SSL certificates such as letsencrypt.org. The certificate must be issued for the host with fully qualified domain name. To use the server side certificate, you need to export it (including corresponding private key) it in PFX file format (*.pfx).

For setting up development environment see bellow

REST interface

The reference implementation exposes different REST API interfaces

  • an interface for submitting transactions implemented according BRFC Spec
  • an admin interface for managing connections to bitcoin nodes and fee quotes

Public interface

Public interface can be used to submit transactions and query transactions status. It is accessible to both authenticated and unauthenticated users, but authenticated users might get special fee rates.

1. getFeeQuote

GET /mapi/feeQuote

2. submitTransaction

POST /mapi/tx

To submit a transaction in JSON format use Content-Type: application/json with the following request body:

  "rawtx":        "[transaction_hex_string]",
  "callbackUrl":  "https://your.service.callback/endpoint",
  "callbackToken" : "Authorization: <your_authorization_header>",
  "merkleProof" : true,
  "dsCheck" : true

To submit transaction in binary format use Content-Type: application/octet-stream with the binary serialized transaction in the request body. You can specify callbackUrl, callbackToken, merkleProof and dsCheck in the query string.

If a double spend notification or merkle proof is requested in Submit transaction, the response is sent to the specified callbackURL. Where recipients are using SPV Channels, this would require the recipient to have a channel setup and ready to receive messages. Check Callback Notifications for details.

3. queryTransactionStatus

GET /mapi/tx/{hash:[0-9a-fA-F]+}

4. sendMultiTransaction

POST /mapi/txs

To submit a list of transactions in JSON format use Content-Type: application/json with the following request body:


    "rawtx":        "[transaction_hex_string]",
    "callbackUrl":  "https://your.service.callback/endpoint",
    "callbackToken" : "Authorization: <your_authorization_header>",
    "merkleProof" : true,
    "dsCheck" : true

You can also omit callbackUrl, callbackToken, merkleProof and dsCheck from the request body and provide the values in the query string.

To submit transaction in binary format use Content-Type: application/octet-stream with the binary serialized transactions in the request body. Use query string to specify the remaining parameters.

Callback Notifications

Merchants can request callbacks for merkle proofs and/or double spend notifications in Submit transaction.

Double Spend example:

POST /mapi/tx


Request Body:

    "rawtx": "01000000015d7d8ffefc2b95a68a95d8e3c50715f8affc0e56ef58a05c773789e6fa3eb537010000006a47304402206c1ba36989bdca944c4ac1e74c23afaaf93fb6ded3a3d6e01f2c28667373c26e0220676085f6fe30071022ea5c8e790e7d9cf52671d0bc3c4d374991be65b6e11bc34121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff018c949800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000",
    "dsCheck": true


    "payload": "{\"apiVersion\":\"1.2.0\",\"timestamp\":\"2020-11-13T08:04:25.9291559Z\",\"txid\":\"0d0ad5677eb0862f94b3eda7f13633f91cf7c4c8c14e1451ffd333d52ff8e207\",\"returnResult\":\"failure\",\"resultDescription\":\"Missing inputs\",\"minerId\":\"030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e\",\"currentHighestBlockHash\":\"100677f99bdd7d4f0b8ea3f35d575d0f69a80f89b5b5f14e11005f57e5e63ef5\",\"currentHighestBlockHeight\":151,\"txSecondMempoolExpiry\":0,\"conflictedWith\":[{\"txid\":\"9f817649adde97338bcda695ee13ae1c71960eac60e49671fed0bdcf45581d94\",\"size\":191,\"hex\":\"01000000015d7d8ffefc2b95a68a95d8e3c50715f8affc0e56ef58a05c773789e6fa3eb537010000006a47304402206a9372778ff1ea314cfb2ec4e6bc93a57fe67c5ca915d004850f8079c876977c022066e3581cbec0eb2d525d4d83d01fff4f4e0b13a477f4f6a07d9168cc40bbabe54121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff0198929800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000\"}]}",
    "signature": "3044022048739a74a7f14b870d410f02c60dafcee2899348c7cd1184977e9ac5096ba63a022038ca0066645d1201ba0f385bd88da4c9bc7410582ae7bb3e248d79b7dbcfd205",
    "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mimetype": "application/json"

Merkle proof callback can be requested by specifying:

 "merkleProof": true

If callback was requested on transaction submit, merchant should receive a notification of doublespend and/or merkle proof via callback URL. mAPI process all requested notifications and sends them out in batches. Callbacks have three possible callbackReason: "doubleSpend", "doubleSpendAttempt" and "merkleProof". DoubleSpendAttempt implies, that double spend was detected in mempool.

Double spend callback example:

  "callbackPayload": "{\"doubleSpendTxId\":\"f1f8d3de162f3558b97b052064ce1d0c45805490c210bdbc4d4f8b44cd0f143e\", \"payload\":\"01000000014979e6d8237d7579a19aa657a568a3db46a973f737c120dffd6a8ba9432fa3f6010000006a47304402205fc740f902ccdadc2c3323f0258895f597fb75f92b13d14dd034119bee96e5f302207fd0feb68812dfa4a8e281f9af3a5b341a6fe0d14ff27648ae58c9a8aacee7d94121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff018c949800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000\"}",
  "apiVersion": "1.2.0",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-03T13:24:31.233647Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "blockHash": "34bbc00697512058cb040e1c7bbba5d03a2e94270093eb28114747430137f9b7",
  "blockHeight": 153,
  "callbackTxId": "8750e986a296d39262736ed8b8f8061c6dce1c262844e1ad674a3bc134772167",
  "callbackReason": "doubleSpend"

Double spend attempt callback example:

  "callbackPayload": "{\"doubleSpendTxId\":\"7ea230b1610768374285150537323add313c1b9271b1b8110f5ddc629bf77f46\", \"payload\":\"0100000001e75284dc47cb0beae5ebc7041d04dd2c6d29644a000af67810aad48567e879a0000000006a47304402203d13c692142b4b50737141145795ccb5bb9f5f8505b2d9b5a35f2f838b11feb102201cee2f2fe33c3d592f5e990700861baf9605b3b0199142bbc69ae88d1a28fa964121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff018c949800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000\"}",
  "apiVersion": "1.2.0",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-03T13:24:31.233647Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "blockHash": "34bbc00697512058cb040e1c7bbba5d03a2e94270093eb28114747430137f9b7",
  "blockHeight": 153,
  "callbackTxId": "8750e986a296d39262736ed8b8f8061c6dce1c262844e1ad674a3bc134772167",
  "callbackReason": "doubleSpendAttempt"

Merkle proof callback example:

  "callbackPayload": "{\"flags\":2,\"index\":1,\"txOrId\":\"acad8d40b3a17117026ace82ef56d269283753d310ddaeabe7b5d226e8dbe973\",\"target\": {\"hash\":\"0e9a2af27919b30a066383d512d64d4569590f935007198dacad9824af643177\",\"confirmations\":1,\"height\":152,\"version\":536870912,\"versionHex\":"20000000",\"merkleroot\":\"0298acf415976238163cd82b9aab9826fb8fbfbbf438e55185a668d97bf721a8\",\"num_tx\":2,\"time\":1604409778,\"mediantime\":1604409777,\"nonce\":0,\"bits\":\"207fffff\",\"difficulty\":4.656542373906925E-10,\"chainwork\":\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000132\",\"previousblockhash\":\"62ae67b463764d045f4cbe54f1f7eb63ccf70d52647981ffdfde43ca4979a8ee\"},\"nodes\":[\"5b537f8fba7b4057971f7e904794c59913d9a9038e6900669d08c1cf0cc48133\"]}",

Authorization/Authentication and Special Rates

Merchant API providers would likely want to offer special or discounted rates to specific customers. To do this they would need to add an extra layer to enable authorization/authentication on public interface. Current implementation supports JSON Web Tokens (JWT) issued to specific users. The users can include that token in their HTTP header and as a result receive lower fee rates.

If no token is used and the call is done anonymously, then the default rate is supplied. If a JWT token (issued by merchant API or other identity provider) is used, then the caller will receive the corresponding fee rate. At the moment, for this version of the merchant API implementation, the token must be issued and sent to the customer manually.

Authorization/Authentication Example

$ curl -H "Authorization:Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOiIyMDIwLTEwLTE0VDExOjQ0OjA3LjEyOTAwOCswMTowMCIsIm5hbWUiOiJsb3cifQ.LV8kz02bwxZ21qgqCvmgWfbGZCtdSo9px47wQ3_6Zrk" localhost:5051/mapi/feeQuote

JWT Token Manager

The reference implementation contains a token manager that can be used to generate and verify validity of the tokens. Token manager currently only supports symmetric encryption HS256.

The following command line options can be specified when generating a token

  -n, --name <name> (REQUIRED)        Unique name of the subject token is being issued to
  -d, --days <days> (REQUIRED)        Days the token will be valid for
  -k, --key <key> (REQUIRED)          Secret shared use to sign the token. At lest 16 characters
  -i, --issuer <issuer> (REQUIRED)    Unique issuer of the token (for example URI identifiably the miner)
  -a, --audience <audience>           Audience tha this token should be used for [default: merchant_api]

For example, you can generate the token by running

$ TokenManager generate -n specialuser -i http://mysite.com -k thisisadevelopmentkey -d 1000

Valid until UTC: 4. 06. 2023 16:06:29

The following should be used as authorization header:
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzcGVjaWFsdXNlciIsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTQ5NDc4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1ODk0Nzg5LCJpYXQiOjE1OTk0OTQ3ODksImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9teXNpdGUuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoibWVyY2hhbnRfYXBpIn0.xbtwEKdbGv1AasXe_QYsmb5sURyrcr-812cX-Ps98Yk

Now any specialuser using this token will be offered special fee rates when uploaded. The special fees needs to be uploaded through admin interface

To validate a token, you can use validate command:

$ TokenManager validate -k thisisadevelopmentkey -t eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzcGVjaWFsdXNlciIsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTQ5NDc4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1ODk0Nzg5LCJpYXQiOjE1OTk0OTQ3ODksImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9teXNpdGUuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoibWVyY2hhbnRfYXBpIn0.xbtwEKdbGv1AasXe_QYsmb5sURyrcr-812cX-Ps98Yk

Token signature and time constraints are OK. Issuer and audience were not validated.


Admin interface

Admin interface can be used to add, update or remove connections to this node. It is only accessible to authenticated users. Authentication is performed through Api-Key HTTP header. The provided value must match the one provided in configuration variable RestAdminAPIKey.

Managing fee quotes

To create a new fee quote use the following:

POST api/v1/FeeQuote

Example with curl - add feeQuote valid from 01/10/2020 for anonymous user:

$ curl -H "Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://localhost:5051/api/v1/FeeQuote -d "{ \"validFrom\": \"2020-10-01T12:00:00\", \"identity\": null, \"identityProvider\": null, \"fees\": [{ \"feeType\": \"standard\", \"miningFee\" : { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 }, \"relayFee\" : { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 } }, { \"feeType\": \"data\", \"miningFee\" : { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 }, \"relayFee\" : { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 } }] }"

To get list of all fee quotes, matching one or more criterias use the following

GET api/v1/FeeQuote

You can filter fee quotes by providing additional optional criteria in query string:

  • identity - return only fee quotes for users that authenticate with a JWT token that was issued to specified identity
  • identityProvider - return only fee quotes for users that authenticate with a JWT token that was issued by specified token authority
  • anonymous - specify true to return only fee quotes for anonymous user.
  • current - specify true to return only fee quotes that are currently valid.
  • valid - specify true to return only fee quotes that are valid in interval with QuoteExpiryMinutes

To get list of all fee quotes (including expired ones) for all users use GET api/v1/FeeQuote without filters.

To get a specific fee quote by id use:

GET api/v1/FeeQuote/{id}

Note: it is not possible to delete or update a fee quote once it is published, but you can make it obsolete by publishing a new fee quote.

Managing nodes

The reference implementation can talk to one or more instances of bitcoind nodes.

Each node that is being added to the Merchant API has to have zmq notifications enabled (pubhashblock, pubinvalidtx, pubdiscardedfrommempool). When enabling zmq notificationas on node, care should be taken that the URI that will be used for zmq notification is accessible from the host where the MerchantAPI will be running (WARNING: localhost ( should only be used if bitcoin node and MerchantAPI are running on same host)

To create new connection to a new bitcoind instance use:

POST api/v1/Node

Add node with curl:

curl -H "Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://localhost:5051/api/v1/Node -d "{ \"id\" : \"[host:port]\", \"username\": \"[username]\", \"password\": \"[password]\", \"remarks\":\"[remarks]\" }"

To update parameters for an existing bitcoind instance use:

PUT api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

To update node's password created with curl before use Content-Type: application/json and authorization Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey] with the following JSON request body:

    "id": "[host:port]",
    "username": "[username]",
    "password": "[newPassword]",
    "remarks": "[remarks]"

To remove connection to an existing bitcoind instance use:

DELETE api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

To get a list of parameters for a specific node use:

GET api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

To get a list of parameters for all nodes use:

GET api/v1/Node

NOTE: when returning connection parameters, password is not return for security reasons.

Status check

To check status of ZMQ subscriptions use:

GET api/v1/status/zmq

How callbacks are being processed

For each transaction that is submitted to mAPI it can be set if the submiter should receive a notification of doublespend or merkle proof via callback URL. mAPI processes all requested notifications and sends them out as described below:

  • all notifications are sent out in batches
  • each batch contains a limited number of notifications for single host (configurable with NOTIFICATION_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_IN_BATCH)
  • response time for each host is tracked and two separate pools of tasks are used for delivering instant notifications: One pool for fast hosts and second pool for slow hosts. (threshold for slow/fast pools can be configured with NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_THRESHOLD_MS)
  • when an event is received from the node an attempt is made to insert notification it into queue for instant delivery
  • if a callback fails or if instant delivery queues are full, the notifications is scheduled for delivery in background.
  • background delivery queue is used for periodically processing failed notifications. Single task is used for background delivery

Build and deploy

Building docker images

Build docker images for MerchantAPI App & Data running this commands in folder /src/Deploy

On Linux: ./build.sh
On Windows: build.bat

Deploying docker images

  1. Create config folder and save SSL server certificate file (<certificate_file_name>.pfx) into to the config folder. This server certificate is required to setup TLS (SSL).

  2. Copy .crt files with with root and intermediate CA certificates that issued SSL server certificates which are used by callback endpoint. Each certificate must be exported as a Base-64 encoded X.509 file with a crt extension type. This step is required if callback endpoint uses SSL server certificate issued by untrusted CA (such as self signed certificate).

  3. Create and copy providers.json file into config folder. Sample provider.json :

      "IdentityProviders": {
        "Providers": [
          "Issuer": "http://mysite.com",
          "Audience": "http://myaudience.com",
          "Algorithm": "HS256",
          "SymmetricSecurityKey": "thisisadevelopmentkey"
    Parameter Description
    Issuer Token issuer
    Audience Token audience
    Algorithm (optional) Signing algorithm allowed for token (if not set HS256 will be used)
    SymmetricSecurityKey Symmetric security key that token should be signed with
  4. Populate all environment variables in .env file in target folder:

    Parameter Description
    HTTPSPORT port where the application will listen/run
    CERTIFICATEPASSWORD the password of the *.pfx file in the config folder
    CERTIFICATEFILENAME <certificate_file_name.pfx>
    QUOTE_EXPIRY_MINUTES Specify fee quote expiry time
    ZMQ_CONNECTION_TEST_INTERVAL_SEC how often does ZMQ subscription service test that the connection with node is still alive. Default: 60 seconds
    RESTADMIN_APIKEY Authorization key for accessing administration interface
    DELTA_BLOCKHEIGHT_FOR_DOUBLESPENDCHECK Number of old blocks that are checked for double spends
    CLEAN_UP_TX_AFTER_DAYS Number of days transactions and blocks are kept in database. Default: 3 days
    CLEAN_UP_TX_PERIOD_SEC Time period of transactions cleanup check. Default: 1 hour
    WIF_PRIVATEKEY Private key that is used to sign responses with (must be omited if minerid settings are specified, and vice versa)
    NOTIFICATION_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_SEC Period when background service will retry to send notifications with error
    NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_NOTIFICATION_TASKS Maximum number of concurrent tasks for sending notifications to callback endpoints (must be between 2-100)
    NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUE_SIZE Maximum number of notifications waiting in instant queue before new notifications will be scheduled for slow background delivery
    NOTIFICATION_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_IN_BATCH Maximum number of notifications per host being processed by delivery task at once
    NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_THRESHOLD_MS Callback response time threshold that determines which host is deemed slow/fast
    NOTIFICATION_NO_OF_SAVED_EXECUTION_TIMES Maximum number of callback response times saved for each host. Used for calculating average response time for a host
    NOTIFICATION_NOTIFICATIONS_RETRY_COUNT Number of retries for failed notifications, before quiting with retries
    NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS Callback response timeout for slow host
    NOTIFICATION_FAST_HOST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS Callback response timeout for fast host
    MINERID_SERVER_URL URL pointing to MinerID REST endpoint
    MINERID_SERVER_ALIAS Alias be used when communicating with the endpoint
    MINERID_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION HTTP authentication header that be used to when communicating with the endpoint
  5. Run this command in target folder to start mAPI application:

    docker-compose up -d

The docker images are automatically pulled from Docker Hub. Database updates are triggered upon application start or when tests are run.

Setting up a development environment

For development, you will need the following

  1. .NET core SDK 3.1 installed in your environnement.
  2. and instance of PostgreSQL database. You can download it from here or use a Docker image.
  3. access to instance of running BSV node with RPC interface and ZMQ notifications enabled

Perform the following set up steps:

  1. Update DBConnectionString(connection string used by mAPI) and DBConnectionStringMaster (same as DBConnectionString, but with user that has admin privileges - is used to upgrade database) setting in src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Rest/appsettings.Development.json and src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/appsettings.Development.json so that they point to your PostgreSQL server
  2. Update BitcoindFullPath in src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/appsettings.Development.json so that it points to bitcoind executable used during functional tests
  3. Run scripts from src/crea/merchantapi2/src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway.Database/APIGateway/Database/scripts to create database.


cd src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Rest
dotnet run


Run individual tests or run all tests with:

cd src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/
dotnet test


Following table lists all configuration settings with mappings to environment variables. For description of each setting see Populate all environment variables under Deploying docker images

Application Setting Environment variable
Notification region
MinerIdServer region

Following table lists additional configuration settings:

Setting Description
ConnectionStrings region
DBConnectionString connection string for access to PostgreSQL database
DBConnectionStringMaster is same as DBConnectionString, but with user that has admin privileges