
The MATLAB code analyses stock prices of a company and predicts the closing price. The algorithms implemented for predicting closing price are: (a)Kalman Filter (b)Kalman Multiple Linear Regression The algorithms implemented for analysing the trends in a stock (c) Bollinger bands (d). Chaikin Oscillator Output - 1. Graphs showing the predicted and actual values of closing price of stock anlong with bollinger bands 2. The chaikin oscillator graph 3. %accuracy of prediction of Kalman and MLR filter The stock_analysis.zip file contains the following - 1. Code (a)stock_analysis.m (b).kalman1.m (c)bollinger.m (d)multiple_linear_regress.market (e). chaikin.m (f).ma_filter.m 2. Data - 2 .mat files having opening,closing, high,low and volume of a stock (a) comp_1.mat and (b)comp_2.mat To run the stock market analysis code - 1.Run stock_analysis.m 2.Enter file name

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