- 4
Segfault when using the result of Chain.subchains()
#317 opened by jackdent - 1
ItemPair conversion to ItemLoop
#346 opened by cycle20 - 1
FloatGrid resample_to missing?
#343 opened by Dialpuri - 2
- 4
- 2
pdbx_PDB_model_num type & content
#332 opened by rimmartin - 8
"gemmi convert" - HETNAM record
#331 opened by CV-GPhL - 2
Interpolating many points in Python
#323 opened by jrobsontull - 1
Add support for BinaryCIF
#335 opened by jasondbiggs - 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 9
Segmentation Fault, Core Dumped
#330 opened by m-crown - 1
- 1
compile error under ubuntu 24
#328 opened by zhangfq-chemistry - 2
- 1
- 2
-f <file> seems not to work as I expect
#321 opened by KayDiederichs - 4
Shared library is unversioned
#320 opened by badshah400 - 7
Float comparison fails `static_assert(weights[static_cast<int>(El::D)] == 2.0141, "Hmm")` on some architectures
#316 opened by merkys - 2
- 5
- 2
- 2
Gemmi read_ccp4_map fails to correctly set the correct spacing from a .MAP file
#312 opened by jrobsontull - 1
Advice to deal with AF3's broken CIF files
#311 opened by milot-mirdita - 5
Bug in `get_all_unit_cell_sites()`
#308 opened by fxcoudert - 1
Adding additional properties to the Structure object present in the cif atom_site table
#304 opened by danny305 - 1
pdb/cif entity subchain comparisons
#309 opened by rimmartin - 4
crash with set_extent
#307 opened by JoshRackers - 2
- 10
sequence aligning with align_sequence_to_polymer
#302 opened by rimmartin - 4
TER's effecting aligning
#303 opened by rimmartin - 5
Apparent sudden extra dependency for gemmi (zlib)
#301 opened by helenginn - 11
crash with very large mmCIF files (and large number of datablock) in gemmi grep
#298 opened by CV-GPhL - 2
- 2
Segfault when importing `gemmi.cif`
#297 opened by j-c-c - 2
Uses of graph isomorphism and pynauty?
#296 opened by j2kun - 1
auto completion for gemmi grep
#295 opened by frmupe - 0
- 1
1 test fails
#291 opened by yurivict - 2
- 4
Issue creating gemmi selections
#289 opened by FilomenoSanchez - 4
- 4
Gemmi fails to set the true grid spacing if origin is not (0, 0 ,0) for a CCP4 map
#288 opened by jrobsontull - 4
Publishing PDB REMARK X's
#287 opened by rimmartin - 4
- 6
OBSLTE from pdb and cif input
#284 opened by rimmartin - 2
C++ types in python docstrings
#280 opened by sizmailov - 1