
The Firm"Ware" of the Very Small Soccer robots, that is NoWhere

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

2018's Very Small Size Robot Firmware

This firmware consists of 3 distinct codes being run on the Robot and the radio Station.

  • Master: Is the main firmware that controls the robot.
  • Odometry: Communicates with the Master controller sending Mouse and IMU data.
  • Station: Communicates with the computer and sends packets to the robots.

Parts of the Master puzzle

  • attitude: Adds a thread to read the data comming from odometry every 1ms, this data is composed by:
    • dx movement in x given by the optical sensor using 400 DPI resolution,
    • dy movement in y given by the optical sensor using 400 DPI resolution,
    • theta angle in degrees from -180 to 180,
    • inclinated whether the robot is inclinated or not,
    • onFloorwhether the robot is on the ground or not.
  • commander: Adds a thread to Handle data received via radio communication whenever possible or serial communication every 50 ms, after receiving values passes them to the controller.
  • controller: Adds a thread that generates speed values from sensor readings and also controls the robots motor power through two PIDs one on theta speed and other on linear speed.
  • motors: Initiates the pinMODEs,and has functions to set power and direction of the motors.
  • OdometryPacket: Has functions to make and read odometry's communication packages, used on the attitude thread code.
  • pid: Implements the PID controler.
  • robot: Innitializes the robot state, data holders and features, like beeps, alarms, ids.
  • system: Initializes robot's system, checking battery level, LEDs, for better user experience.
