The source code, acquired by ProPublica, for New York City's Forensic Statistical Tool.
- adrianff
- akilismLos Angeles, CA
- aneutronCloudwatt
- bcherny@Anthropic
- breakerfallen
- concannon
- denisfitz57
- drchriscoleUniversity of Dundee
- egeozin
- epc@Stigmergy @DuckBees
- jakeogh
- jamesadneyHansine Fisher & Associates
- jkominekBoulder, CO
- JohnHBrockCalifornia
- kenkeiterPortland, OR
- konpikwastaken@Microsoft
- LeoSolaris
- lharless
- lqdevDesert of the real
- m-mahan
- mdchambers
- mg393
- mogarick@tuukul
- newsroomdev@gramstudio
- NickDiakopoulosNorthwestern University
- NickFitzUK
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- rasmi@google-org
- rbnx
- rdmurphy@themarshallproject
- sabinbajracharyaGermany
- sergkopDev Co-pilot
- tdsmith@AbCellera
- UnkindPartitionUkraine
- willgearyRevel Transit
- yifuguo