- 4
- 3
Depth Map Prior
#137 opened by sam-thomas-dd - 2
About training loss
#136 opened by whyandbecause - 1
Fine Tuning on Custom Dataset
#135 opened by Luqman-Ansari - 1
Is it possible to improve the model's performance by switching the base model to SDXL?
#132 opened by kke19 - 1
VAE on depth maps
#134 opened by 2hiTee - 1
Running on cpu only ?
#133 opened by ThomasCartier - 0
Request for Training Code of Normal Generation Model
#131 opened by kke19 - 5
- 2
Other training metric are abnormal
#130 opened by zad37 - 5
loss=nan occurs during training
#111 opened by dongyyyy - 1
The installation error
#127 opened by WLatonov - 1
Trying to resize storage that is not resizable
#117 opened by dongyyyy - 1
Can Marigold be trained from scratch?
#126 opened by resurgo97 - 1
Inquiry About 3D Reconstruction Code Availability
#128 opened by CaiSir0075 - 16
About some problems that arise during training
#95 opened by water221 - 1
VKitti dataset setup
#125 opened by jameelhassan - 1
- 1
Rotation of the point cloud
#120 opened by fkjkey - 1
- 2
conflict in .yaml file
#121 opened by Meghdad24 - 0
Numpy is not available error
#119 opened by GLtangzero - 3
- 2
NYUv2 Filled depth map
#114 opened by gaoxiangjun - 1
Wandb logging is always interrupted unexpectedly
#115 opened by water221 - 1
Fine-tune the base model
#101 opened by meiqing-wang - 1
Muti-GPUs training
#98 opened by Smarome - 1
Changed loss function to mean_abs_rel for scale-invariant depth but training is unstable
#112 opened by YacineDeghaies - 0
Release of LCM drop?
#113 opened by omrastogi - 9
Unusual slow training speed
#94 opened by Fra-Tsuna - 5
noisy inference, any idea why ?
#106 opened by YacineDeghaies - 3
Questions about LCM model training
#103 opened by luochunfen - 1
Validate using data with different resolutions
#109 opened by dongyyyy - 1
- 0
Use data sets of different resolutions for training
#107 opened by dongyyyy - 1
Data cannot be read during training
#99 opened by dongyyyy - 1
Validation Error
#100 opened by Keivin98 - 3
noob questions about code understanding.
#104 opened by YacineDeghaies - 0
[HuggingFace] is it possible to fine-tune Marigold using the AutoTrainer on my custom dataset ?
#105 opened by YacineDeghaies - 1
What does the consistent value of 721.5377 represent in eigen_test_files_with_gt.txt?
#102 opened by haopengmai - 1
Is it possible to train the model by feeding it rgb images + 8-bit relative depth maps ?
#97 opened by YacineDeghaies - 1
issue with reproducing results in the paper
#96 opened by yongmayer - 1
How to organize the vkitti data
#91 opened by Larissa0829 - 1
do you plan to release better and more accurate models for this original marigold?
#87 opened by mikebilly - 1
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- 1
train the model on my custom dataset
#92 opened by YacineDeghaies - 1
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