
Error "sh: 1: None: not found"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

130s commented

AFAI tried, clicking open button for any launch files results in the error on commandline:

sh: 1: None: not found

For example, I tried at random with:

  • gazebo_ros
    • launch/empty_world.launch
  • fetch_navigation
    • fetch_nav.launch
$ rospack find gazebo_ros
$ rospack find fetch_navigation

Using this commit 5f6174b on Ubuntu 14.04

130s commented

On the same computer but today I got gedit opened, which is fine for me (I normally use emacs in any ROS and non-ROS context).

which one is set in the config?

Which config are you referring to? I saw in the source that says setting but I couldn't figure this out.
The fact that I got an error before means that it might happen again. Opening an editor feature is very nice so we'd probably want to dig deeper.

I'm referring to the configuration which you open via the gear icon in the upper right corner of the widget. This will ask you for an editor.

It defaults to gedit as this editor is usually installed per default in Ubuntu as far as I know. But if it isn't or if the command is different, it might result in the above error.