
Python bindings to rai. Simple interface to work with robot/world configurations, compute features and their Jacobians, inverse kinematics, path optimization.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

python bindings to rai

This repo is an example of how you can setup your own repository with rai as a submodule, cmake build, and exposing some functionality of the RAI code in python bindings. The python bindings are already defined within rai. This repo adds a minimalistic cmake file to exemplify how to build the bindings, and some examples in tutorials (that have large overlap with the tests in rai/test/ry).


Although very incomplete, the best intro to the code is found as part of the robotics-course documentation. Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate the use are found in the rai tests and in tutorials/.


This assumes a standard Ubuntu 18.04 (or 16.04) machine.

  • Clone the repo:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/MarcToussaint/rai-python.git
cd rai-python
  • Install Ubuntu packages. The following should do this automatically; if you don't like this, call make -j1 printUbuntuAll to see which code components depend on which Ubuntu packages, and install by hand.
sudo apt-get update
make -j1 installUbuntuAll  # calls sudo apt-get install; you can always interrupt
  • Install Python packages, including pybind:
echo 'export PATH="${PATH}:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc   #add this to your .bashrc, if not done already
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-numpy python3-pip python3-distutils
pip3 install --user --upgrade pip
pip3 install --user jupyter nbconvert matplotlib pybind11
  • Compile using cmake. (Use ccmake to configure options, such as linking to bullet.)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(command nproc)
  • Test a first notebook, then checkout all notebooks in tutorials/ and rai/test/ry
jupyter-notebook tutorials/1-basics.ipynb
  • If you like, you can also run the C++-library tests:
cd rai
make tests
make runTests

.. or call them individually: cd rai/test/LGP/pickAndPlace; make; ./x.exe


The install was tested in the mini20 docker. There is also a full20 docker that contains a compiled rai version.