Simple ideogram plotting and annotation in R.
Basic usage:
Rscript Ideoplot.R --heatmap hm.bed --annotate annotations.bed --out ideogram.pdf
Rscript Ideoplot.R --annotate annotations.bed
To swap to a different reference version, use the --ideobed option to specifiy an alternative ideogram bed file.
The ideogram bed file and coordinates are obtaned from ucsc:
The layout geometry is organized in terms of stripes for each chromosome. The current layout is fixed to (5,5,15,10), where there are two stripes of width 5, one of width 15, and one of 10. The chromosome is drawn in the 3rd stripe (width 15). Annotations can go into any stripe. The widths of stripes are relative. Eventually it will be possible to change the stripes on the command line, and change which stripe contains the chromosomes.
For now drawing of banding is disabled, but that will be done... soon.
There are two ways to annotate an ideogram: annotations, and heatmap. The annotations are characters (for now just points, eventually text as well) that are drawn. Each column is:
chrom start end stripe pch color
Example: ...
chr1 39411519 39413487 2 23 "#377eb8" chr1 46169019 46171853 2 23 "#377eb8" chr1 46176404 46178211 2 23 "#377eb8" chr1 55705907 55707516 2 23 "#377eb8" chr1 73595641 73603844 1 15 "green" chr1 82721748 82724869 1 15 "green" chr1 87512436 87514550 1 20 "blue"
The stripe is the stripe to render the point. So, for a stripe layout of (5,5,15,10), the first 4 points are drawn in the 2nd stripe (position 5), and last 3 are drawn in the 1st stripe (pos 0).
The pch and the color are the colors to draw the annotation.
The heatmap is specified by a bed file with:
... chr1 20000000 25000000 4351 chr1 25000000 30000000 4574 chr1 30000000 35000000 9274 ...
The 4th column is some value that scales the heatmap. For now this is normalized by chromosome and scaled into 9 possible colors.