Run configured shell commands when a file is saved in vscode, and output configured messages on status bar.
- 1
commandBeforeSaving leave file unsaved
#43 opened by JCKodel - 3
- 2
`npm: command not found`
#37 opened by marcosh - 2
- 3
allow overwrite default `"runIn"` configuration
#34 opened by BitFis - 3
Support for Jupyter notebooks
#35 opened by gertvanhoey - 1
Can it run before VSCode `formatOnSave`?
#39 opened by BTBMan - 2
Icon preview issue on vscode in dark mode
#33 opened by BitFis - 4
- 1
- 1
Support for Jupyter Notebooks
#29 opened by mihao - 1
No delay option for the extension.
#27 opened by NorkzYT - 2
- 2
- 2
[FER] A `NotMatch` option for `.gitignore` ?
#24 opened by yw662 - 2
[FER] An option to close or hide the terminal, or switch focus back after completing the command for runIn: "terminal" ?
#23 opened by yw662 - 2
- 5
- 12
How to run in sequence?
#21 opened by manoharreddyporeddy - 8
- 3
- 5
Commands do not run from ${workspaceFolder}
#11 opened by Lutier2017 - 4
Use project relative path for globMatch
#18 opened by karikera - 1
Why is my Ouput window opening?
#17 opened by nshoes - 1
Feature request: Add `${fileRelativeDirname}`
#14 opened by davidolrik - 1
Error when run in "backend"
#13 opened by harrytran998 - 3
add right slash transform
#12 opened by tomByrer - 2
- 7
- 1
[Feature Request] Add on before save event
#7 opened by JCKodel - 4
Supports Glob Expressions
#9 opened by pucelle - 4
configure shell
#3 opened by korkorran - 7
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