A small collection of utilities I have for working with Wavefront metrics.
- DataQuery
- MetricReader
- MetricsFetcher
Depends on Wavefront Sender
Allows you to execute any Wavefront Query Language expression and return a list of MetricPoint objects (from Wavefront Sender). The url is the base url of your wavefront server (e.g. try.wavefront.com). The token is the API Token that you use to invoke Wavefront API. The query is the String representation of Wavefront query language.
// initialize with Wavefront URL and Token
DataQuery dataQuery = new DataQuery(url, token);
// Execute your query (start/end time are seconds since epoch)
List<MetricPoint> metrics = dataQuery.execute(query, start, end);
When used in conjunction with Wavefront Sender you can manipulate the data before sending back to Wavefront as new metrics, backup the data to file, or send them to another Wavefront proxy (pointing to a different Wavefront instance).
DataQuery dataQuery = new DataQuery(url, token);
List<MetricPoint> metrics = dataQuery.execute(query, start, end);
Wavefront wavefront = new Wavefront(File);
Work in Progress
Used to parse a file or Wavefront formatted metrics into a list of MetricPoint objects.
Parsing rules are ok, and metrics should well formed. If the file was created using Wavefront Sender they can be parsed by this.
Work in Progress
Used to get a list of all metrics available in Wavefront. Uses the metrics browser API.