- 1
- 1
API - Data Sync - Automatic Creation of Recon Feed and Implementation to Group Everyone.
#70 opened by Street3r - 1
Separate admin-ui and webtak ports
#14 opened by rambo - 0
TAK Update Server - Plugin and ATAK software distribution to users via TAK server. Implementation on Takserver Creation from newest version.
#71 opened by Street3r - 0
API - Device Profile - ATAK Settings automatic sharing via Device Profiles by Groups.
#69 opened by Street3r - 1
Move takcertsapi to separate repository
#35 opened by rambo - 3
TAK-server admin-tunnukset tilaajalle
#25 opened by nhaapa - 1
Changes to the default configuration file
#16 opened by M1kk0H - 3
- 3
WebTAK does not work
#6 opened by rambo - 1
- 2
Quick toolbar ja toolbar muokkaus
#32 opened by nhaapa - 0
Make TAKServer use less memory
#67 opened by benjamsf - 2
Mission automaattinen luonti
#24 opened by nhaapa - 1
- 1
[ATAK] Datapackage query from server returns a certificate error from ATAK client, yet no problem with ITAK/Wintak
#18 opened by benjamsf - 0
Translate Finnish issues to English
#63 opened by benjamsf - 1
- 2
Sync toiminnallisuus
#31 opened by nhaapa - 0
Datasync Plugin käyttöönottoohje: iTAK
#37 opened by M1kk0H - 1
- 0
Karttojen lisäys zip-pakettiin
#58 opened by M1kk0H - 1
WinTAK tietohuolto
#49 opened by nhaapa - 0
- 2
TAK-sovelluksien peruskäyttöohje
#23 opened by nhaapa - 2
- 3
TAK-Sovelluksen käyttöönotto-ohje
#22 opened by nhaapa - 1
Datasync Plugin käyttöönottoohje: ATAK
#38 opened by M1kk0H - 1
Datasync Plugin käyttöönottoohje: Wintak
#36 opened by M1kk0H - 1
Havainnon käsittelyn toimintatavantestaus
#30 opened by nhaapa - 0
New default configuration files
#52 opened by rambo - 1
Feature: REST API for creating user certificates
#13 opened by rambo - 0
Create a list of plugins that should be included/enabled in the default distribution
#7 opened by rambo - 0
Openfire XMPP TAK chat
#47 opened by M1kk0H - 1
- 0
Serveripuolen admin-käyttöliittymänopiskelu
#34 opened by M1kk0H - 0
TAK-server admin-ohje
#27 opened by nhaapa - 0
- 0
Client certificate request sometimes fails because API container cannot access the directory/scripts in mapped volume
#20 opened by rambo - 1
- 0
Implement zips API POST parts with tests
#10 opened by rambo - 0
Integrate zips API with the Docker composition
#8 opened by rambo - 0
Implement zips API GET parts with tests
#9 opened by rambo - 1
Feature: in client-zip adjust TAK_defaults.pref so position update is 30s by default
#3 opened by rambo - 0