Pinned issues
- 4
Python 3.13 support
#116 opened by elliotgunton - 6
functions will always return the first argument
#115 opened by HeinrichAD - 0
- 2
functions with kwargs
#114 opened by HeinrichAD - 6
- 1
Latest version missing dependency.
#112 opened by oliversheridanmethven - 1
- 1
argname sample code raises VarnameRetrievingError
#106 opened by krwhelan - 1
Add mypy compatibility
#108 opened by elliotgunton - 2
- 4
- 6
How to get argname of chain function
#100 opened by vishalvora - 4
"Unable to retrieve the ast node" issue
#99 opened by slu216 - 1
Traversal list
#98 opened by cooper12121 - 1
"VarnameRetrievingError: Unable to retrieve the ast node." / "VarnameRetrievingError: Cannot retrieve the node where the function is called."
#97 opened by jamesphillipturpin - 2
Performance issues
#81 opened by robertsdotpm - 6
- 2
some cases of argname don't know how to deal
#95 opened by wulidongdong - 6
overload type returns for nameof
#77 opened by lucasteles - 8
- 7
argname doesn't seem to function, "cannot retrieve the node where the function is called"
#93 opened by xCqrbon - 10
how to get arg name in sub function?
#90 opened by stemalomd - 1
how to nameof inside a loop ?
#88 opened by LuisBL - 10
- 5
Error retrieving value for `__setitem__`
#78 opened by edward-io - 2
argname doesn't work for binary operations
#69 opened by boazbk - 13
- 2
Obtain current scope and pass into function
#82 opened by rirze - 2
argname seems not working
#80 opened by cinntamani - 3
Errors on Python 3.9.7
#76 opened by robertsdotpm - 2
- 0
python3.10: The distutils package is deprecated
#71 opened by pwwang - 2
Cannot get the var name of the var in a list.
#68 opened by Hzzone - 10
Can a license file be pacakaged in?
#66 opened by thewchan - 2
- 2
- 4
Exception raised when assigning to subscript even using raise_exc=False
#49 opened by GeorgeScrivener - 4
type annotated class attribute
#51 opened by lpasselin - 1
Playground breaks on binder
#46 opened by pwwang - 12
How to retrieve var name from nested classes
#45 opened by SaeedIsa90 - 3
- 13
- 1
Investigate impact of "ignore" on other APIs
#37 opened by pwwang - 0
- 0
Deprecate namedtuple and inject
#35 opened by pwwang - 0
- 13
Explore adding an `ignore` decorator to ignore the intermediate calls for varname
#33 opened by pwwang - 10
- 8
bytecode_nameof should check for full=True
#24 opened by alexmojaki - 15
Get full path of variable name?
#23 opened by LinqLover